Fitness apps measure heart rate and metabolism

Fitness apps measure heart rate and metabolism / Health News

Fitness trend: health apps measured non-stop


Thousands of health and fitness apps for the smartphone are now available on the market. The latter, along with digital health bands, are currently among the most profitable products in the industry. With their help, physical values ​​during sports should be monitored.

Count steps and measure heart rate
With the help of wearable technology, so-called wearables, health apps and digital fitness tapes, you can count steps, measure heart rate, analyze sleep phases or monitor fat metabolism. The electronic measuring devices on the chest or wrist are not only used by competitive athletes, but also by some people in everyday life, such as when climbing stairs or vacuuming. Among the three million apps, there are already around 87,000 offers for fitness wellness and around 55,000 medical apps. It is not always distinguishable whether the programs offer only information, belong more to lifestyle and fitness or reach into the medical. According to the organizers, the world's largest fitness trade fair Fibo in Cologne, according to a news agency dpa, new developments were particularly popular.

Almost 13 percent of Germans use the digital devices
According to a study by the industry association Bitkom from 2014, almost 13 percent of Germans use a digital device that measures steps or calories burned. In the meantime, fitness studios are increasingly focusing on innovations in order not to be left behind by the trend of sporting gimmicks that even manufacturers such as Polar or Apple offer for individual training. Even without a trainer, an individual program can be put together in the studio. At another provider, there is a kind of modern group training. The aim is to promote social competition through health apps in the studio by comparing the data of the athletes present.

Beginners with too high levels overwhelmed
But even though the technical motivation sweets should actually contribute to better health, some fitness apps can also do the opposite. This is from a recent test of „Computer picture“ out. The magazine tested several popular programs for smartphones and other devices and came to the conclusion: Especially for beginners are with the much too high level of the proposed workouts partially overwhelmed, individual physical characteristics would be too short and health problems would not be recorded, said „Computer picture“-Editor Thomas Vattrodt. An app, for example, suggested 20 pull-ins for beginners. That is a clear challenge. „Beginners should rather have the exercises shown by the experts before they reach for the app. Because some beginner plans could even bring real fitness professionals to their limits.“ Other fitness apps cause postural damage if they are strictly followed.

Body reactions and own feelings
Also sports scientists are critical. Ingo Froböse, a professor at the German Sport University in Cologne, said that health apps in particular provide access to fitness for those who have not yet come into contact with it. But the programs also run the risk of losing control of the technology, losing their own body feeling and overshooting, explained the expert. In sports, the body's reactions and their own feelings are still the best controllers: „The programs make us believe that what we can measure gives an accurate statement about our athletic fitness“, so happy. „In fact, these apps make only a few factors to the guideline, other skills put the technology in the corner.“ (Ad)

> Image: Petra Bork