Fish oil capsules in pregnancy ineffective?

Fish oil capsules in pregnancy ineffective? / Health News

Does the ingestion of fish capsules during pregnancy promote the child's mental development? This question was researched by a research team from Australia with the result that the capsules do not do what they promise.

Doctors, midwives and friends recommend: Fish oil capsules should be taken during pregnancy to protect against so-called childbed depression. The capsules should also promote the mental development of the child. However, a recent large-scale study failed to identify these beneficial effects and found that neither depressive symptoms in the mothers are impaired nor is the mental development of the child promoted. According to the study results, fish oil capsules are therefore ineffective at least in these areas.

Pharmaceutical manufacturers argue that omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil capsules promote the child's mental development when taken during pregnancy. The manufacturers rely on studies in which very few subjects participated. In addition, the cited studies had further methodological weaknesses.

Study suggests: Fish oil capsules are ineffective
A total of 2,400 pregnant women participated in the present Australian study. The study participants either took the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (DHA) supplements or were given a placebo with normal vegetable oil. During the study, both mothers developed similar levels of depression in the first six months after the baby was born. For the children, the researchers also found no significant improvements in mental development in speech ability or motor skills. „Our results do not support routine use in women to relieve depressive symptoms or improve cognitive or linguistic performance in early childhood“, the researchers write „Women's and Children's Health Research Institute“ in the science magazine „Jama“. Experts in natural medicine point out in this context that capsules split off from other active ingredients are usually not effective. Instead, natural foods should be consumed. A US study has also recently found that acupuncture is effective in pregnancy depression. (sb, 22.10.2010)

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Picture: Gerd Altmann