Fish or asparagus seasoning salt with vanilla pod

Fish or asparagus seasoning salt with vanilla pod / Health News

How to make seasoning salt with vanilla yourself


Vanilla is one of the most popular spices of the Germans. While this is mostly used in Germany for desserts, pastries and other sweets, vanilla beans are also used elsewhere in savory dishes. For example, the spice producer Ute Bornholdt, member of the connoisseur association Slow Food, recommends a homemade vanilla salt for seasoning asparagus and fish.

Store salt with vanilla pod for two weeks
A home-made vanilla salt is ideal for seasoning tomato salad, fish or asparagus, reports the spice expert from Willich near Düsseldorf talking to the news agency „dpa“. To prepare the vanilla salt, only one vanilla pod must be placed in a vessel with salt for two weeks and occasionally shaken. And you have a home-made, high-quality and tasty spice.

„Seasoning is good for the soul. "The entrepreneur attaches great importance to high-quality products made from natural ingredients, which have a much higher quality than artificial products, as evidenced by the example of vanilla, as vanilla beans are harvested by hand and processed, natural vanilla is the second most expensive spice in the world after saffron, so a bourbon vanilla pod could cost four euros and a tahiti vanilla pod even six euros, which is a lot of money compared to cheap vanilla sugar supermarket prices Investment worthwhile. „Natural vanilla is much finer, "explains Bornholdt.

Aromas in the vanilla pod are the most intense
Usually, vanilla pods are cut lengthwise to scrape out the liquid that surrounds the seeds. Although the vanillemark contains a large proportion of the flavor and taste, as the main aromatic carrier is the pod. If it is boiled up in liquid such as milk or cream, the flavors are dissolved out. In this way, for example, a custard can be produced.

Incidentally, instead of salt, sugar can also be flavored with vanilla, in which the pod is kept for two weeks in a jar of sugar and shaken occasionally. Done is the homemade vanilla sugar! (Ag)

Picture: w.r.wagner