Fish on Good Friday Traditionally healthy food

Fish on Good Friday Traditionally healthy food / Health News

Fish is not only healthy on Good Friday


Fish is traditionally on the menu in Germany before Easter on Good Friday. At the same time, consumers can not only enjoy the taste but also the numerous positive health properties of the fish.

While some consumers may be somewhat deterred by fish consumption due to the nuclear reactor disaster in Japan and the reported radioactive contamination of the sea, on Good Friday, as in any other year, fish dishes will be served in numerous households. If you want to be on the safe side, you should pay attention to the information on the catching regions when buying sea fish (Japan: catchment area 61) or switch directly to local freshwater fish.

Numerous health benefits of fish consumption
Food fish is credited with numerous positive health benefits, and nutritionists recommend not only eating fish at least twice a week on Easter. In particular, the proportion of high-quality protein from 15 to 20 percent, as well as the various minerals and vitamins containing a good basis for a healthy diet. Depending on the species, for example, vitamins D and B12, potassium, zinc, fluorine and iodine may be present, with sea fish having a significantly higher iodine content than freshwater fish. In addition, various studies have found a clear health-promoting effect of the high proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3 fatty acids. These have been shown to help strengthen the immune system, lower blood pressure and stimulate metabolic processes. A recent study by American scientists at the Yup'ik Eskimos in Alaska found that omega-3 fatty acids significantly reduce the risk of certain diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Different fat content of fish
Who has problems with overweight, should be noted that the different fish species have a very different fat content. For example, salmon and tuna, which are particularly popular with Germans, have a fat content of more than ten percent, while other fish species such as cod, pike, perch or flounder contain only one percent of fat. However, the positive health effects of omega-3 fatty acids contained in high-fat fish offset the potential negative effects of impending weight gain, the Eskimo study reports from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center and the University of Alaska-Fairbanks reported in the March issue the trade magazine „European Journal of Clinical Nutrition“. The polyunsaturated fatty acids are needed by the human body, among other things for the construction of cell membranes and serve to lower blood lipid levels and cholesterol levels. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish are among the unsaturated fatty acids that the human body can not synthesize, so they have to be absorbed through the diet.

Eating fish on Good Friday: An old Christian custom
Eating fish on Good Friday is a centuries-old Christian custom. On the day of the crucifixion of Jesus one should give up fasting and luxurious food. Just a few decades ago, fish was far cheaper than meat. The money that could be saved by eating fish should be donated to charity. Meanwhile, this custom is unlikely to have a saving effect. Meat today is often much cheaper than fish. Especially in southern Germany and especially in Catholic households, this Christian custom is still celebrated. On the Internet can find numerous websites that provide free fish recipes. (Fp)

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Picture: Günther Schad