Financial emergency assistance required for latches

Managing Director of Bavarian hospitals calls for quick financial aid
The promised financial relief of the clinics, although a help but not a solution to the problem, explained the CEOs of the Bavarian large hospitals in a recent press release of the Bavarian Hospital Association (BKG) and called for further measures from the federal government to support the clinics.
In the past two years hospitals have had too many setbacks, such as „the austerity decisions of the federal government from the year 2011 and the immense cost increases especially for the staff“ have to accept, reports the BKG. This would be „too big gaps in the hospital budget torn“ Service. While these would be „reduced with the planned discharge of around 1.1 billion euros for the years 2013 and 2014, but far from being compensated.“ BKG CEO Siegfried Hasenbein stated: „In medical language, one would say the pain is relieved, but the disease is not cured.“ Now it is important, however, that at least the promised financial aid „prompt, unbureaucratic and fully implemented“ become.
Numerous clinics with financial problems
Numerous hospitals throughout Germany have faced financial difficulties in recent years and are threatened with closure in the long term. Earlier this year, the German Hospital Association (DKG) reported that almost every third hospital in 2011 wrote in the red. According to the statement of the DKG has been involved „The economic situation in the German hospitals noticeably worsened in the last two years.“ The Federal Government had decided in the face of financial problems to emergency aid in the amount of 1.1 billion euros, with the BKG CEO Siegfried Hasenbein here, however, expressed the concern that delays in the distribution of funds could occur.
Financial aid for the clinics must not be delayed
„If the federal government wants to help hospitals with 1.1 billion euros, then it must also ensure that exactly this amount arrives at the houses“, explained the BKG managing director and thereby criticized at the same time the Cabinet decision, the lengthy and contentious negotiations on the amount of compensation surcharges in the 16 states have resulted. Instead, the supplements should be set by the federal government already to avoid delays in the negotiations, so the claim of the BKG managing director. In particular, this applies „for the pension supplement, which will be used to distribute 750 million euros to hospitals over the next two years.“ According to the managing director of the Bavarian hospital society it would be fatal, if over the surcharges „For weeks, discussed and negotiated and eventually in the fall arbitration may have to decide with an uncertain outcome for the hospitals.“
Funds for the clinics should flow already this year
Furthermore, redistributions for emergency aid for the clinics „necessary within the aid package“, Thus the demand of the managing directors and boards of the Bavarian large hospitals on their current work meeting in Landshut. They pleaded for more money to be given to the clinics this year, while the Cabinet decision does not provide for the greater relief until 2014. „The need is now great, and therefore the aid must be given priority this year“, emphasized the BKG managing director Siegfried Hasenbein at the meeting of the clinic managing director under the guidance of the BKG. All in all, however, according to the BKG all participants in the decision of the Federal Government as „a step in the right direction“ and also praised the positive elements in the laced package. A particularly important signal was that the increase in revenue from hospitals should be geared to cost development in the future. (Fp)
Image: Thommy Weiss