Fever in children indication of real flu

Fever in children indication of real flu / Health News

High fever in children: indication of real flu


If a child has a cold and cough, there is usually nothing to worry about. But if additionally high fever added, this could be an indication of a real flu. Then a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Fever most reliable indication of flu
Complaints such as chills, muscle and headaches and a dry cough are often signs of children getting flu. Occurrence can include nausea and vomiting, as well as abdominal pain. The most reliable indication of an influenza infection, however, is high fever, possibly of 40 degrees. This explained Ulrich Fegeler from the Professional Association of Children and Youth Physicians (BVKJ) in Cologne opposite dpa. The doctor recommends the sick child to rest and sleep a lot and to drink a lot.

Risk of secondary diseases in children under five years
Parents should take their child to a doctor or emergency room immediately if they have a very high fever, breathing fast or heavy, or if the fever is accompanied by a rash. In addition, a doctor is required immediately if the skin of the child turns slightly blue, it is confused or sleepy. Especially among children under the age of five, there is a high risk that they will get more illness as part of the flu and need to be admitted to a clinic for treatment. Respiratory problems are particularly common.

Nasal spray vaccine for children
Pediatricians recommend vaccination to prevent a flu infection, especially if the offspring is chronically ill. Since the protective effect is established after 14 days at the latest, immunization is worthwhile even now. This could be in time for the onset of seasonal flu. For children over the age of two and adolescents up to the age of 18, it is possible to administer a so-called live vaccine via a nasal spray. Basically, however, with the flu vaccine pros and cons weigh against each other. (Ad)

Picture: S. Hofschlaeger