Fat burning and good mood Why weight loss with sports works best

Fat burning and good mood Why weight loss with sports works best / Health News
Effective diet through diet change and exercise
Anyone who does sports regularly, lives healthier and usually has a better mood than many a moan of movement. But many active people use jogging, swimming and the like to keep or reduce their weight. A good idea, because losing weight works much better with sports in most cases. Especially in endurance sports, for example, plenty of calories are consumed, and movement is perfect for reducing stress - one of the main causes of obesity. British scientists have now found out that intensive training sessions also reduce the feeling of hunger. So if you want to lose a few pounds, so should as soon as possible swing down from the sofa and start to move.

Exercise minimizes risk of heart disease
Health experts emphasize time and again how important sport is for our body. For example, regular exercise can help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease such as high blood pressure or heart attack. In addition, exercise helps with weight loss. Because those who want to lose weight, must consume more energy than it takes in the diet. It also works by eating significantly less - but this approach can be very tedious, as food cravings and bad moods are already preprogrammed.

There are many reasons why exercise helps with weight loss. Movement is suitable e.g. good for reducing stress and thereby prevents food cravings. (Image: elnariz / fotolia.com)

Schedule short sports sessions three times a week
The reasons why exercise helps with weight loss are manifold. On the one hand, of course, calories are burned, and this can vary quite a bit depending on the sport, physical condition, duration and intensity of training. For example, a 65-pound woman consumes about 650 calories in an hour of jogging at a medium pace, while a 90-pound man consumes about 900 calories here. In general, weight loss can be helped by any sport that boosts fat burning, while endurance sports like jogging, swimming or cycling are really effective. If you want to lose weight, from an expert's point of view, you should have at least three 30-minute training sessions per week. It is important to find an activity that brings joy - because whoever torments each time swimming or just bored while walking, runs the risk quickly to change back on the sofa.

Do not eat directly after exercise
In addition to the movement but of course, the diet is crucial for the success of the customer. This should be healthy and varied and consist of plenty of vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, lean meat or fish, etc. "Calorie bombs" such as sweets, fast food, pasta in cream sauce or greasy cold cuts, however, should be consumed only rarely and in small portions. In order to avoid cravings after exercise, it is advisable to prevent an empty stomach and one to two hours before the start of e.g. to eat a slice of wholemeal bread with cream cheese. After training, it should be waited for good fat burning in the best case, about two hours to the next small snack.

To successfully lose weight, it is also important to keep an eye on your personal stress level, because stress is one of the main causes of obesity. Many people compensate for tension and inner restlessness with food and grab especially in unpleasant and difficult situations to "fat makers" such as chocolate or chips. To break the vicious cycle of stress and obesity, learning an appropriate method for reducing stress is a simple and usually very effective way. Sport is particularly well suited here, as it helps to clear one's head, provides more well-being and strengthens self-confidence.

Sport reduces calorie intake
British researchers recently discovered yet another reason why people who are physically active are less likely to get fat. Because obviously a hungry training program also reduces the feeling of hunger. This was reported by scientists from Loughborough University in the United Kingdom together with colleagues in the journal Medicine and Science In Sports and Exercise. According to a study, intensive training not only boosts calorie burning but also reduces calorie intake. (No)