Fat substitutes harmful to health?

Fat substitutes harmful to health? / Health News

Scientists in Leipzig skeptical about the effects of fat substitutes: In some people, plant-derived substitute fat in functional foods can be hazardous to health.

(04.07.2010) Most people know the so-called fat substitutes, they are found in "functional foods" such as margarine, mayonnaise, yoghurts or spray cream. The herbal substitutes (phytosterols) are used as a substitute for animal fats. The products should then be low in calories and especially cholesterol lowering. Consumers are very keen to access the products, as they are supposed to protect the cardiovascular system at the same time. In many foods extra phytosterols are used to make the products "healthier".

However, scientists at the Leipzig University Clinic advise caution, because for a not to be underestimated share in the population phytosterols can endanger the health. A scientific study has shown for the first time that there is a direct link between the lipid genes important for the transport of plant sterols and coronary heart disease. This means that people with certain genetic predispositions may be less likely to excrete vegetable fat. This increases the sterol level, thus increasing the risk of myocardial infarction.

Which group of people is true??
According to scientists, people with blood types A, B and AB are prone to increased sterol levels. On the other hand, people with blood group 0 are protected for increased sterol levels. However, whether one belongs to the risk group, the plant sterols can excrete bad, can only decide a genetic test. The researchers therefore now advise to be "reserved" in products with phytosterol additives.

The research results of the Leipzig University Hospital are completely contrary to the general medical recommendations. For the additions of herbal substances are recommended by nutritionists and doctors. Phytosterols inhibit the absorption of cholesterol and are therefore often mixed with food. On the packaging is often read, with vegetable additives, which lower the cholesterol.

The study evaluated a total of 27,000 patient data. The study involved researchers from all over Germany and the UK. Study director Prof. Joachim Thiery stated: "Based on the results of the research, the widespread view that products containing substitutes for animal fats are basically beneficial to health can no longer be upheld." The research in this field should now be more intensive.

Instead of eating "functional foods" rather naturally and healthy.
Naturopathy advises a balanced diet of natural products. Because if you eat a balanced diet, then a piece of butter is not "bad" for the human organism. "Functional foods" are used by many people to compensate for a rather unhealthy lifestyle. The study has now shown that such unnatural additives are more likely to endanger health than protect them. Lots of vegetables, fruit, fish and exercise sustainably protect the heart and circulation. (Sb)

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Image: Claudia Hautumm /pixelio.de.