Fixed braces may be useful in adults

Fixed braces may be useful in adults / Health News
More and more adults wear fixed braces
Many children and adolescents wear a brace to correct their tooth position. In particular, earlier models of fixed braces were often perceived as an impairment by those affected. Many adults can still vividly remember the ridicule of their classmates. Today's solid braces, however, are much less noticeable and at the same time more effective. They can also be used in adults to correct severe tooth position.

"In terms of age, there is no limit to such a treatment," quotes the news agency "dpa" the orthodontist Wolfgang Schmiedel, board member of the Federal Dental Association. For example, severe dental malocclusions can be corrected with the help of fixed braces in adulthood. Impairment when talking and laughing are not expected and the modern models in the form of so-called brackets are optically extremely inconspicuous. When a fixed braces makes sense, is in the guide "Orthodontics; Braces - yes or no? ", Which can be obtained from Stiftung Warentest.

Many adults opt for a firm Zhnspange for optical reasons. (Image: Igor Mojzes /

Fixed braces in the form of brackets
In adults, according to the experts, often optical reasons for the use of fixed braces crucial. The goal is to form straight aligned, closely spaced teeth. According to Wolfgang Schmiedel, about half of the adults undergoing orthodontic treatment have optical reasons, such as closing gaps in the anterior region, in the foreground, reports the "dpa". Mostly bracket braces are used, which consist of small, firmly mounted plates on the teeth, which are connected by a wire. This allows the teeth to be brought into the correct position by the tensile forces. Lighter tooth misalignments can also be treated with the help of so-called Clear Aligner (thin, transparent rails).

Medically necessary braces
The use of a brace is medically necessary if, for example, a false bite situation such as the so-called cross bite is present or the malocclusions cause unfavorable contacts with the tongue. "This is then possibly painful when eating by constant irritation," quotes the news agency "dpa" the orthodontist Yong-min Jo. According to the expert, untreated dental malocclusions can lead to jaw pain, temporomandibular joint problems, neck and headaches, migraine and mouth disorders. The duration of treatment depends on the individual symptoms, explains Barbara Bückmann, author of the counselor "Kieferorthopädie; Braces - yes or no? ". For example, adults who have completed their growth phase usually need to wear braces longer than adolescents to correct the malocclusions. The maximum therapy can take up to four years, but usually the treatment duration is between twelve months and two years.

Cost of braces often wear themselves
The costs of braces treatment are often borne by those affected themselves, with the brackets, according to the experts cost 3,000 euros to 10,000 euros and the Clear Aligner between 5,000 euros and 7,000 euros. The statutory health insurance companies cover the costs only for the most severe jaw malpositions. As part of the treatment may also occasionally irritation of the gums and tongue or mild pressure pain occur, Schmiedel is quoted by the "dpa". In the long term, however, the success of the treatment due to the constant carrying is virtually inevitable. However, patients need more time for oral hygiene during treatment to thoroughly rid the brackets of food debris. After completing the treatment, it is important to secure the result or to avoid new shifts of the teeth. For this purpose, so-called retainers are available, which are glued on the teeth from behind and stabilize them in their position. (Fp / ad)