Far Eastern martial arts Tai Chi - Slowly focusing away problems in slow motion

Far Eastern martial arts Tai Chi - Slowly focusing away problems in slow motion / Health News

Movements like in slow motion: In tai chi, problems focus away
Tai Chi has been practiced in China for centuries. For some years, the internal martial arts in Western countries is becoming more popular. It's about getting the life energy to flow. The movements - almost as in slow motion - are a great way for many people to reduce their stress. Interested beginners are advised to rely on professional help.
Martial arts established as a health sport
Although Tai Chi Chuan (abbreviated "Tai Chi") is also called "shadow boxing", for some, the slow flowing movements of the inner martial arts can not be compared to boxing. Tai Chi has been practiced in China for centuries. In recent years, it has become a trend worldwide. In the western world, it has become established as a health sport in particular. It helps against chronic pain and stress, among other things. For example, the German Association of Rheumatoid Diseases e.V. has already pointed out years ago that it is possible to relieve rheumatic pain with Tai Chi. Also, the well-being of heart disease should be improved. Sufficient reasons to try the martial arts once. In a message from the news agency dpa, experts have some tips on what to watch out for when "shadow boxing".

Tai Chi is also a good way for older people to keep their body and mind fit. (Image: Paul Hakimata / fotolia.com)

Meditative movements and concentrated breathing
In China, Taijiquan is a popular sport that is usually practiced in the fresh air in the morning. The meditative movements, performed almost in slow motion and in combination with concentrated breathing, are special exercises that have evolved from traditional martial arts. They are closely related to the exercises in Qigong. Tai Chi is basically suitable for almost all people, for some it is explicitly recommended. Several years ago, scientists found that Tai Chi helps Parkinson's patients with balance disorder.

Tai Chi relieves illness complaints
Dr. Romy Lauche from the Department of Naturopathy and Integrative Medicine at the University of Duisburg-Essen, told the agency, "Tai Chi improves balance. This is highly relevant, especially as older people may be able to prevent falls through Tai Chi exercises. "The expert explores complementary and alternative therapies. "But there are also many positive effects in back pain, knee osteoarthritis or a variety of rheumatic diseases," said Lauche. In a conversation with "Heilpraxisnet.de", the president of the European Tai Chi Association TCFE, Sifu Nils Klug, reported on further positive effects of shadow boxing. Tai Chi can "contribute to alleviating the discomfort of various diseases and positively affect disease progression". "I want to call cardiovascular diseases, autonomic disorders, knee problems of all kinds, back pain to herniated discs, as well as tinnitus," said Klug.

Beginners should contact experts
Prof. Ingo Froböse of the German Sport University Cologne advises nonetheless: "Even if Tai Chi is suitable for every age group and many chronic diseases, you should always consult with a doctor in case of existing illness or injury," Froböse told dpa. As with entering another new sport, Tai Chi should first be practiced under guidance. "For the slow, controlled and fluent exercises to be performed correctly, professional guidance is essential," said Froböse. Otherwise, mistakes could creep in unnoticed and incorrect loads or damage would not be ruled out. Since some want to practice Asian martial arts, but others want to get the chi going, not all of them are at the right address with the same teacher.

"Only one thing can help," said DDQT Chair Angela Qennong and Taijiquan, Angela Menzel, "pay attention to the training of the teacher, say what you want and what your health restrictions are". If taster hours are offered, you can try "if it suits you". Instructors with the DDQT seal have completed at least 250 hours of training within three years. "Teachers can easily be found via the postal code on the DDQT's website," says Menzel. In some cases there is also a subsidy from the health insurance for Tai Chi. For example, the prevention guideline of the central association of health insurance states states that insurers can subsidize relaxation techniques such as relaxation-oriented tai chi. Interested parties should inform themselves best before the course start directly at their cash register. (Ad)