Fascial Distortion Model (FDM)
(30.07.2010) The fascial distortion model (FDM) is a novel principle in the manual treatment and diagnosis of complaints. It was founded in 1991 by the US-American osteopath and emergency physician Dr. med. Stephen Typaldos D.O. (1957-2006). He had discovered that the patients specifically show their complaints and found the appropriate treatment from this body language. In this respect, it is a completely novel idea of treatment and diagnostics, because it is not treated according to the anatomy or physiology, but according to the information provided by the patient. Typaldos has found 6 different expressions of complaints and to those 6 expressions he later „sprains“ who develops treatments that are based less on techniques than on principles.
Criticism of the fascial distortion model
Current development of the FDM
Criticism of the fascial distortion model
Manual therapists, surgeons, paediatricians and orthopedists are finding it difficult to accept this system because thinking in anatomical and physiological categories is too manifest in most minds. But the sometimes incredible effectiveness, which is usually visible immediately, is constantly spreading.
Critics accuse the method that the treatment is often too painful. Especially in osteopathy, where the FDM is part of the educational standard in some schools in Germany and Austria, there are many critics. Since in osteopathy the recognition and production of connections and connections plays an important role, critics accuse the FDM of being too reductionist here.
Current development of the FDM
At present, the FDM is on the rise in Europe. As one of the main persons responsible, Dr. Georg Harrer, an osteopath and general practitioner, specialist in anesthetics and intensive care from Vienna. Through extensive lecturing and the establishment of the European FDM organization (EFDMA) he has carried the FDM more into osteopathy and into the medical profession.
In addition to his courses, there are also the Typaldos Academy, among others by Christoph Rossmy D.O. DROM from Haltern am See, which gives courses in FDM Europe-wide. In addition to Austria and Germany, there will now be continuous courses in Italy and Poland. Dr. At the beginning of 2010, Harrer also gave a course in Burkina Faso, which led to the establishment of structures in the form of an African association.
Especially in poorer countries, FDM offers a sensible alternative, as body language is the same worldwide and there is virtually no language barrier to treatment. In addition, it is a cost effective and effective form of treatment.
In addition to the European organization EFDMA, in the country of origin of the FDM there is the American Federation (AFDMA) and the Japanese (Asian) Association (FAA) - both of which are very active. In an interview with the „DO- German Journal of Osteopathy“ from July 2010, sees Dr. Harrer is more conducive to building structures and integration into the normal medical and osteopathic business and is necessary for the FDM, than the eventual discovery of a seventh fascia distorsion. In September 2011, the 5th International FDM Congress will take place in Vienna. (Tf)