Fasting is becoming increasingly popular Nearly 60 percent of Germans want to renounce

Fasting is becoming increasingly popular Nearly 60 percent of Germans want to renounce / Health News
Abandonment of alcohol, smartphones and co. Fasting among Germans more popular
A recent survey shows that abstaining from alcohol and sweets while fasting is again at the top. Younger Germans, in particular, often switch off their smartphones and computers. The number of Germans fasting has increased significantly in recent years.

Germans want to forego alcohol and sweets
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the 40-day Christian Lent, which many non-religious people use to deliberately omit certain luxury items and consumer goods. Avoiding alcohol and sweets is often at the top of your self-imposed goals. This is also shown by a current and representative Forsa survey commissioned by the health insurance company DAK-Gesundheit. According to this, 68 percent of respondents want to abstain from alcohol and 59 percent to sweets.

More and more Germans are fasting. The renunciation of alcohol and sweets is usually in the foreground, but young people in particular also want to leave smartphone and computer switched off more often. (Image: juliasudnitskaya /

More and more Germans are fasting
It is generally welcome when people take time for healthy fasting and detoxification. Fasting cleanses the stomach and the soul and helps to question its consumer behavior.

As reported by DAK-Gesundheit in a communication, more and more people are fasting in Germany. According to the survey, the number of fasting fans has increased by 15 percent since 2012 to 59 percent.

In addition to classics such as the renunciation of alcohol, sweets and meat and the private Internet use is increasingly in the focus: Almost one in four (23 percent) wants to give up in the fast season, in whole or in part. Online fasting is popular among 18- to 19-year-olds (26 percent).

Digital rest periods
According to the DAK study, 59 percent of Germans have fasted at least once for several weeks. That's 15 percent more than five years ago. Especially people between the ages of 30 and 44 are open to fasting.

So 66 percent of them say that they have fasted before. They then abstain most on alcohol, sweets and television or smoking.

Younger people, on the other hand, are more likely to abstain from internet and computers (26 percent). "Interestingly, the generation difference of the past year has been reversed here," explained DAK expert Ralf Kremer.

"Above all, the generation 45plus stated that they also wanted to switch off once. Increasingly, however, younger people recognize that the body needs digital rest periods to stay healthy and fit. "

Friends are more important than time with the smartphone
As reported by the health insurance company, around two-thirds of those surveyed want to reduce their stress (68 percent) by opting out online - an increase of 15 percent over the previous year.

In addition to reducing stress, the need to spend the freed up time with friends and relatives is another important reason for online fasting.

This is stated by 64 percent in the current survey - 21 percent more than in 2016. Accordingly, women and men alike frequently take a media break (23 percent each).

Every third person wants to give up meat
The renunciation of alcohol is with 68 percent in first place. Sweets are in second place - but with much less approval than in the previous year (2017: 59 percent, 2016: 66 percent).

More than one in three respondents wants to abstain from meat (39 percent). This is followed by television and smoking, each with 34 percent.

In the survey, there were also some significant differences between the sexes. In the next few weeks, significantly more women than men would like to forego sweets (62 to 56 percent).

The meat also shows a gender difference (46 to 30 percent). Men, on the other hand, want to avoid alcohol more often (70 to 66 percent).

East Germans are fasting muffle
Especially in the south of Germany many people have decided to fast this year. According to the health insurance Bayern is with 66 percent the fasting stronghold. Baden-Württemberg is also above the average at 61 percent.

Fasting moose are most likely the people of East Germany. Only 54 percent of people say they have fasted. (Ad)