Almost every third child in Germany is born by caesarean section

Almost every third child in Germany is born by caesarean section / Health News
Almost a third of the births in Germany by caesarean section About every third child in Germany is born by caesarean section. The rate varies greatly in the individual states. As in the previous year, the operating rate was highest in the Saarland and lowest in Saxony. Many health experts believe that the question: Caesarean section or natural birth is too often decided in favor of the surgical intervention.
Caesarean delivery is widespread today, with many mothers choosing this birth path without any medical need. (Image: GordonGrand /

Every third birth by caesarean section Just a few weeks ago, the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) reported that there are more and more cesarean births. More precise figures published now the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden. Thus, almost every third birth in Germany is a caesarean section. In the individual federal states, however, the operating rate is very different, reports the news agency dpa. She was highest in the Saarland with 40.2 percent. The fewest Caesarean sections were with 24.2 percent in Saxony. Already in the year before, when also almost every third birth was carried out by caesarean section, the Saarland was the frontrunner and the bottom of the pack. Different birth culture in the individual federal states Compared to 2013, the proportion of women who had given birth by caesarean section remained unchanged overall: 31.8 percent of the 692,096 hospital births last year were caesarean sections. The German Midwives Association advocates the operation only if it is medically necessary. Association spokeswoman Nina Martin said: "We do not consider desirable curb cuts useful." Ms. Martin speaks of a different birth culture, which is practiced in the individual federal states. Only a few births outside a clinic For a birth outside of a hospital - for example, in a birth house or in your own home - decides only a tiny proportion of women. Of the 717,565 children born in 2014, only 11,391 were not born in the hospital. In 2013, there were even fewer with 10,380 children. Since there are multiple births, the number of born children is higher than the number of births. In the past year, there were a total of 31,929 babies more than in the previous year, which corresponds to 4.7 percent. As a result, the number of hospital births increased by the same percentage. Worldwide trend towards cesarean birth Of the children born in 2014, 99.7 percent were born alive. As in the previous year, the proportion of stillbirths was 0.3 percent. Obstetrics other than cesarean delivery are rarely used. According to the statisticians, 5.8 per cent of deliveries used a suction cup, and forceps were only 0.4 per cent. Almost every third hospital in Germany has a birthing center. Some clinics have left this segment last year. In 2013, 37.0 percent had a birth ward, in 2014 it was only 36.6 percent. The trend towards the planned caesarean section has also become increasingly prevalent worldwide. In Brazil, for example, more than half of the babies are born in this way. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a Caesarean rate of no more than ten to 15 percent. (Ad)