Nearly a hundred villagers infected with HIV

Nearly a hundred villagers infected with HIV / Health News

Village in Cambodia with HIV mass infections


After some 90 villagers from the Roka community in Cambodia tested positive for HIV, the village community has panicked. More than ten percent of the tests carried out to date have been positive, the newspaper reports „Cambodia Daily“ citing the Pasteur Institute in the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh.

The HIV mass infection in the community of Roka became known in early December, after 110 out of a total of 800 samples in the first tests, a suspicion of HIV. Further blood tests clearly confirmed 89 HIV infections. „Yesterday we received about 90 samples and confirmed all of these samples, but probably there will be a few more samples today or tomorrow, quoted „Cambodia Daily“ the director of the Pasteur Institute, dr. Didier Fontenille.

Authorities seek clarification
The director of the „Center for HIV / AIDS, Dermatology and STD“ At the Ministry of Health, the Cambodian daily quotes as saying that so far no update of the infection numbers is possible. His staff are still busy gathering information and interviewing the villagers to determine the source of the virus. Suspected is a local doctor who worked without a license.

False doctor under suspicion
The supposed doctor had given injections and infusions to many villagers „Cambodia Daily“. On Thursday, a search of his premises by the police took place. The accused was detained for investigation and for his own safety should not be released until further notice. Because the police expect counter-reactions of the angry villagers. However, it is premature to assign the blame to a single person, according to the Director - General „Child Protection Unit“, a special police unit, which is supported by the Cambodian Children's Fund and the loud „Cambodia Daily“ involved in the current investigations. (Fp)

Picture: Kai Stachowiak