Family evasion at Christmas to avoid

Family evasion at Christmas to avoid / Health News

Feast of love: avoid family holiday at Christmas


As a celebration of love, Christmas is also called. But in many families, this time is a test of severity. But stress and quarrels under the Christmas tree can also be avoided. An expert gives useful tips.

Zoff at the festival of love
Christmas is often referred to as the festival of love. In many families, however, it is also the time when the scraps really fly. The psychologist Louis Lewitan explains to the news agency „spot on news“: „Some siblings try to stay out of the way over the year and, of all things, at Christmas, they feel obliged to settle their conflicts under the Christmas tree.“ Therefore, it was important to "adjust to what is coming" before the festival..

Express wishes and needs in a timely manner
„You have to plan in good time, think about it early and then communicate with each other“, so the stress expert. The point is to make compromises, not to prevail. However, if this fails, good advice is expensive. Lewitan has a tip for what to do when the situation at the family party escalates: „Self-discipline is important. It is a sign of greatness when you do not focus your attention but take back your ego.“ In the end, it's all about vanity and about taking yourself too seriously. But one should still dare to express his wishes and needs in a timely manner.

Relaxation exercises under the Christmas tree
Other experts also commented on how best to deal with the stress during this time in advance of Christmas. For example, Peter Walschburger, emeritus professor of biopsychology at the Free University of Berlin, recently told the news agency dpa that one should reduce one's expectations to a realistic level and look forward to seeing friends or family again. However, if such tips do not help you to relax the party, relaxation techniques may help you to reduce stress. Yoga, Autogenic Training or Progressive Muscle Relaxation may then help to make Christmas a celebration of love again. (Ad)

Image: Simone Peter