False messages about dismissal Mandela

False messages about dismissal Mandela / Health News

False messages about dismissal Mandela: Nelson Mandela continues in the hospital


Former South African President Nelson Mandela continues to be hospitalized for lung disease. Reports about his dismissal were denied.

false reports
The South African presidential office said that news of Nelson Mandela's hospital discharge was wrong. Thus, reports by the British broadcaster BBC and the British television station Sky denied that the Nobel Peace Prize winner left the clinic in Pretoria and returned to his home in Johannesburg. Already a few months ago, the German broadcaster made its mark „German wave“ an embarrassing blunder with the hoax: Nelson Mandela would be dead.

Condition Mandela „critical, but stable“
The former South African president has been hospitalized since June 8 for severe pneumonia. The South African presidential office announced on Saturday that the condition of the 95-year-old continued „critical, but stable“ be. The condition of Mandela destabilizes itself at times, but he speaks to the medical treatment.

Always had trouble breathing
On July 18, South Africa and many other countries celebrated their 95th anniversary with numerous actions and events. Since his stay in hospital, there have been numerous reports of changes in his state of health. The worst fears have not yet come true, but the government has not been able to confirm good news. Mandela's ex-wife Winnie Madikizela-Mandela had reported in early August that Nelson Mandela could breathe normally again. He always had breathing problems and pneumonia would have plagued him regularly, according to the ex-wife. Even now in old age he fights against it. From his lungs, fluid must be constantly pumped. (Ad)