Wrong doctor sentenced to 5 years imprisonment

Wrong doctor sentenced to 5 years imprisonment / Health News

False doctor from Aschaffenburg district court sentenced to five years in prison.


Again and again laymen pretend to be doctors. So also a chiropodist from the area Aschaffenburg. The convict had been shown to treat a total of 159 patients without having a doctor's license. For these acts, the man must now take a prison sentence of five years.

A total of 159 unsuspecting patients treated the today sentenced to the district court man from the Bavarian Aschaffenburg. The 56-year-old, who is actually a chiropodist by profession, pretended to be a trained physician. During the treatment, the convicted person partially injected, took blood and even administered medicine.

The Aschaffenburg district court found it proven that the 56-year-old was guilty of fraud in a total of 110 cases and committed a dangerous bodily injury in a total of 1936 cases. Positively speaking for the accused, he made a full confession at the beginning of the trial. The defendant admitted that he had spent his time as a physician and treated many people. This confession evaluated the court according to their own information in favor of the defendant. However, the chiropodist had applied a "considerable criminal energy" in his actions, as the judges attested to the man.

The wrong doctor stated since the end of 2008 to be a physician who uses the means of nature „quick help“ offers in diseases. The bounced by the man in different places and practices „to treat“. The man turned the deception in different practices in Aschaffenburg, Nordheim am Neckar and Kromsdorf in Thuringia. He stated, with his purported "molecular cell therapy" „to treat“ to be able to. The condemned man collected 122,000 euros for these alleged health services. For this he issued after the therapies a private medical bill. Luckily no one was harmed by the alleged treatments.

The man from Mitenberg is no stranger to justice. Due to several cases of fraud, the defendant has already been convicted. So the convict had to jail several times because he deceived other people. He has not only committed fraud in Germany, but in the past also in the US and Austria. Even in these cases, the man had to take several times a prison sentence.

Because the „Customer“ assumed that the man is a doctor, the man had to answer for dangerous injury in the district court. In the closing plea, the defense and the prosecutor's office requested the same sentence of 5 years imprisonment without parole. These motions were now followed by the judges in the judgment. (Sb)

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