Wrong course setting through health care reform

Wrong course setting through health care reform / Health News

Social association: wrong course setting by the health reform

"The health care reform is going in the wrong direction", criticized the President of the Social and Welfare Association of People's Solidarity, Prof. Gunnar Winkler, on Thursday in connection with the treatment of the government coalition introduced GKV financing law in the German Bundestag on 12 November 2010. "The Abolition of parity
Financing in the statutory health insurance (SHI) leads to the fact that only those insured under the law must bear the future cost increases in the health sector. This once again removes an important pillar of the welfare state. The national solidarity assesses the grave interference with the proven system of pay-as-you-go SHI as one
significant worsening for the vast majority of statutory health insurance. ??

Winkler went on to say: "By fixing employers' contributions and developing additional contributions to a lump sum per capita, the existing injustices in the financing of statutory health insurance will be drastically tightened, while low and normal earners, many families, pensioners and the unemployed will be charged significantly higher At the same time, emigration to private health insurance is made easier, and this reform can not be described as unfair and antisocial
provided social compensation nothing that will not compensate for many additional burdens. ??

Winkler turned against it, with the new law reinforced to introduce the principle of reimbursement in the SHI. With the reimbursement keeps the "advance payment" in the medical practices feeder. So far, it was one of the great advantages of the GKV that no one had to be treated for cash. This benefits principle should now be thrown overboard. This threatens the tendency that today's two-tier medicine is increasingly turning into a multi-class medicine, in particular the chronically ill, people with disabilities and low-income earners are disadvantaged.

The solidarity of the people insists that the health system does not abandon solidarity, said the association president. "We need a return to full, shared funding of SHI and an expansion of its funding base, and it is important to us that everyone contribute to their individual economic performance
Financing of health care costs and everyone has the same right to need-based health care. "(Pm, 11.11.2010)

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