Driver training offers senior citizens more safety on the road

Driver training offers senior citizens more safety on the road / Health News
Training program for senior citizen safety on the road

In the context of demographic change, the proportion of older road users in the coming years is also increasing significantly. It is not uncommon for them to struggle with their declining responsiveness, reduced vision, and limited mobility (shoulder vision issues). An adapted driving behavior is therefore urgently required. Help for safe driving is offered by the driver training for seniors at the Landesverkehrswacht Niedersachsen.

Senior drivers have been able to train safely in courses organized by Landesverkehrswacht Niedersachsen since the spring of 2015. This offers all seniors from the age of 65 the opportunity to practically test their own abilities behind the wheel and scrutinize them together with experts - without fear of having to give up the driver's license, according to the message of the National Traffic Watch. A project that should make school.

On the practice grounds, the seniors train, among other things, the right brakes at different speeds and the parking and maneuvering, reports the national traffic watch. In addition, the participants could test their responsiveness during a slalom ride. In addition, trips were planned with a driving instructor in public space and it would be worth knowing about technical innovations in the car as well as changes in the Highway Code. In addition, valuable tips for difficult traffic situations are part of the program. (Fp)

Picture credits: Rainer Sturm