Bicycle helmets prevent up to 70 percent of deadly head injuries

Bicycle helmets prevent up to 70 percent of deadly head injuries / Health News
Be sure to wear a helmet when riding a bicycle
Cycling helmets do not look great, ruin the hairstyle and cause increased sweat on the head. Nevertheless, you should not miss a helmet when riding a bike. Researchers now found that wearing a bicycle helmet dramatically reduces the risk of serious head injury and head injury.

There are still many people who do not wear a helmet while cycling. As a result, sufferers expose themselves to an unnecessarily increased risk. Researchers at the University of New South Wales, Australia, found that cycling helmets reliably protect against serious and fatal head injuries. Wearing a helmet reduces serious head injuries by 69 percent. The likelihood of a fatal head injury is reduced by 65 percent. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "International Journal of Epidemiology".

Many parents make sure that their children wear a bicycle helmet. Often the parents do not wear helmets themselves. Helmets can prevent serious injury and even death. (Image: animaflora /

Physicians are studying the data of more than 64,000 cyclists
For their study, the experts analyzed the data of more than 64,000 cyclists from 40 separate investigations. The scientists presented their results at the Safety 2016 world conference in Finland. 69 percent of serious head injuries, 51 percent of general head injuries and 33 percent of facial injuries can be prevented by wearing a helmet, the authors explain.

Helmets cause neck injuries and change our risk appetite?
So far, there have been assumptions that wearing a helmet could cause neck injuries. The researchers now found that neck injuries were rare and not caused by helmets. Other arguments against wearing a helmet, for example, were that helmet wearers are more inclined to take greater risks. An earlier study confirmed this hypothesis. But there are risks that are not helped by protective gear or a helmet, say the experts. So you better not riskier, because they are wearing a helmet.

Helmet duty should be introduced in all countries
The results of the current study suggest that all cyclists should consider appropriate safety equipment. The topic is simply much more complicated than most people believe, according to the researchers. There are not laws in all countries for wearing a helmet. However, the new study results speak in favor of a possible improvement, adds the physician.

Cycling helmets and bike paths save many people's lives each year
In Australia, it is mandatory for cyclists to wear a helmet. There are fines for people without a bicycle helmet. These were even increased recently, explain the authors. Some Australians see this law as a violation of their rights. But bicycle helmets and road safety measures such as bike paths prevent around 900 serious injuries and deaths every year in Australia. Of course, not every bike helmet is just as good. Some helmets are of poor quality and therefore much worse. The Stiftung Warentest also noted that there are definitely shortcomings in bicycle helmets.

A bicycle helmet can decide about life and death
The results of the study support the use of strategies for using bicycle helmets. Wearing cycling helmets should be part of a comprehensive cycling safety plan. A study from last year has already shown that a bicycle helmet can decide about life and death.

A helmet does not protect every accident
Of course, a helmet is not helpful if you are run over by a truck. The helmet makes a difference, for example, if you fly over the handlebars due to a brake or a rear-end collision or are hit by an inattentive driver, the authors explain. (As)