Facebook launches portal against bullying

Facebook launches portal against bullying / Health News

Campaign against cyberbullying provides information and support


More and more children and adolescents are from the so-called „cyberbullying“ affected by being ignored, insulted, insulted or threatened on the internet. The danger here is not to be underestimated, because the alleged anonymity in the net seems to lower the inhibition threshold for malicious activities in many adolescents. To talk about the topic „Mobbing on the Internet“ to provide information and to be able to provide assistance to those affected has the social network „Facebook“ now his new portal "Stop bullying" started.

Alleged anonymity lowers inhibition threshold
New cases of cyberbullying are regularly published, in which children and adolescents are humiliated, teased and slandered via the Internet. The possibilities in the network are manifold: Whether e-mail, online communities, blogs, chat rooms, video and photo platforms or your own website - since the lives of young people today to a large extent „on-line“ play, potential victims are easily reached. In addition, there is the apparent anonymity in the virtual world, which apparently leads many teenagers to lower the inhibition threshold for bullying activities. This is more likely than in real life to dare to attack or offend others - which can have dire consequences and quickly blur the line between "fun" or small-scale anger and the use of violence in the sense of bullying.

Cooperation with the "Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence"
To inform about this topic and to offer help to victims, has the largest social network in the world „Facebook“ now his new portal „The project, which was realized in cooperation with the "Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence", should serve as a comprehensive source of information for young people as well as their parents and teachers, as well as providing help and support to victims of cyberbullying For this purpose, interested and affected persons can now find numerous information pages and help on "stopping bullying." Concrete instructions are given, for example, in a catalog of measures: Here, everyone - whether victims, friends of victims or potential perpetrators - receives one „guide“ In addition, the portal provides tips and instructions on how to protect yourself on Facebook.

Portal "Stop Mobbing" offers help for self-help
In addition, conflict resolution videos and real stories of bullying victims will help tackle cyberbullying and develop strategies and measures against aggressive behaviors and mental distress. „We live in a world where conflicts arise again and again, whether online or offline [...]. The Mobility Prevention Portal is part of our ongoing commitment to providing young people with the security and information they need to confront and resolve conflicts on their own“, explains Arturo Bejar, chief engineer of the Facebook Compassion Research Team.

„The topic of bullying is often not addressed sufficiently enough“
In this country, the project of the US-American company through the partners Klicksafe, PlayBack Berlin e.V. and the Foundation Digital Opportunities Facebook is supported, also Bundestag members of different factions would have pledged their commitment, according to a recent press release from Facebook. „The topic of bullying, be it offline or online, is often not addressed sufficiently enough - it is already a painful topic for many young people. I am delighted that together with Facebook we are giving parents and young people information on how to approach this topic, how to defend themselves and how to help“, so Dr. Joachim Kind, spokesman for the Click-Safe Initiative of the European Union for more security on the Internet. (No)

Picture: Angela Parszyk