Extreme heat is causing MS patients

Extreme heat is causing MS patients / Health News

Why the summer heat so much for MS sufferers

The sweaty heat wave causes enormous health problems for many people. Particularly affected are people who have multiple sclerosis. Experts explain why this is so and what can be done about it.

Incurable disease of the central nervous system

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. Despite intensive research, the disease is still considered incurable. But thanks to new drugs, MS is becoming increasingly manageable. The high temperatures in the summer, however, often ensure that the complaints of those affected worsen. Patients feel flabier, more tired and more drowsy or complain about an increase in their visual impairment or a deterioration in their motor skills.

The high temperatures in the summer make it difficult to treat multiple sclerosis sufferers. Experts explain what those affected can do about it. (Image: Zerbor / fotolia.com)

MS patients respond to heat with a pseudo-push

Experts from the Multiple Sclerosis Center at the Center for Clinical Neurosciences at the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus explain in a message why the heat is so bad for people with MS.

"This is related to the consequences of multiple sclerosis as an inflammatory disease of the brain and spinal cord," says Prof. Dr. med. Tjalf Ziemssen, Director of the Multiple Sclerosis Center.

"There form after healing of the inflammatory foci scars in the area of ​​the nerve fibers, which can increase the body temperature worse forward the information and thus lead to the recurrence of complaints."

Therefore, the MS patient reacts to heat with a significant increase in existing symptoms, but this is not a disease boost in the true sense, but a so-called pseudo-push, which is also described as a Uhthoff phenomenon.

Relieve discomfort by cooling

The Uhthoff phenomenon refers to the temporary worsening of MS symptoms associated with an increase in body temperature, such as fever or elevated ambient temperature, the statement said.

According to the information, more than 80 percent of those with MS are affected. The cause is believed to be a temperature-induced deterioration in the conductivity of damaged nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord.

The phenomenon was first described by the German ophthalmologist Wilhelm Uhthoff (1853-1927). Prophylaxis consists in avoiding considerable physical exertion and in avoiding circumstances that increase body temperature.

The complaints can also be limited by the wearing of cooling clothing, such as cooling vests, cooling hoods and cooling stockings. The alternative is then the simple bowl of cold water into which feet and arms can be dipped.

It is also important for MS patients that they drink as much as possible in order to prevent a fluid loss, which may additionally worsen the symptoms. Water is best suited for this purpose.

"Unfortunately, in the area of ​​multiple sclerosis there are still many myths and rumors that restrict the patient," says Prof. Tjalf Ziemssen.

"It is reported, for example, that MS patients can not go to the sauna because of the heat sensitivity."

This is not correct as a general principle, many patients benefit from the sauna. (Ad)