Extremely overweight Eight-month-old baby now weighs over 17 kilograms

Extremely overweight Eight-month-old baby now weighs over 17 kilograms / Health News
Baby weighs 17 kilos because of extreme nutrition - parents feel innocent
An eight-month-old baby in India already weighs more than 17 kilograms. Parents feeding their offspring with tons of food are not at fault for their daughter's extreme overweight. The little one has a hard time with her obesity.

Eight months old baby weighs over 17 pounds
According to health experts, the number of children with obesity has dramatically increased in many countries. For example, last year the World Health Organization (WHO) published a report that at least 41 million small children are overweight. Even in poor countries, where many suffer from hunger, children are sometimes supplied with too much food. An eight-month-old girl in India who already weighs more than 17 kilos.

More and more children worldwide are far too fat. According to media reports, an eight-month-old girl who weighs over 17 kilos at this age lives in India. Obesity represents an enormous health hazard. (Image: dementevajulia / fotolia.com)

Weight of the child increases every day
According to a report in the British newspaper "The Sun", Chahat Kumar, now eight months old, was born in the Indian province of Punjab with an average weight.

However, when the girl was four months old she grew fatter and fatter. "Her weight is increasing day by day," said her father, Suraj Kumar (23 years), according to the paper.

Now the little girl weighs over 17 kilos - as much as an average four-year-old child.

The parents are at a loss and worry about the health of their child. 21-year-old mother Reena explained, "Before Chahat, we had a son who died, and then Chahat was born. I'm worried about her health. "

Parents feel innocent
She said, "She does not eat like a normal kid. She eats all the time. If we do not give her anything to eat, she'll start crying. "

According to the mother, they could hardly carry the girl because of the weight and take her only to nearby places.

However, parents say that their child's insatiable appetite and extreme overweight is not their fault. "God has given her this condition. It's not in our hands. "

Strong overweight endangers the health
Severe obesity can cause a variety of diseases such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Signs of heart disease are also evident in obese children.

In the case of the small chahat, being overweight leads to health problems such as shortness of breath and sleeping problems.

According to Vasudev Sharma, the family's local doctor, the girl did not even get a blood test: "We've tried many times before. Her skin is so hard that we can not diagnose her condition. "

Dr. Sharma sent the family to a hospital in Amritsar, but the parents could not afford treatment for their daughter there. The doctor is sure: "Your weight is increasing excessively and it needs to be controlled."

"She has to eat less. She eats like a 10-year-old child. "(Ad)