Experts hobby athletes do not need supplements
Hobby athletes often take supplements such as protein powder or vitamin tablets to compensate for possible deficits and increase their performance. However, the consumer advice center of Bavaria points out to the news agency "dpa" that despite physical exertion, in addition to a balanced diet, no special products are required. Normal food supplies everything the body needs.
Hobby athletes could even harm their health with supplements
Hobby athletes can do without conscience on protein shakes, power bars and other dietary supplements, as informed by the Consumer Center Bavaria. The additional nutrient requirement due to the physical effort can be easily compensated by a balanced diet. So nobody would fear a vitamin deficiency, if he does a lot of sports. The magazine "Nutrition in Focus" (issue 7/8/2015) even advises explicitly from vitamin tablets, if one suspects only a shortage. Because it can not be ruled out that dietary supplements can have a negative impact on health and performance. Those who fear a lack of nutrients can have their nutritional status tested once or twice a year. For a blood or urine test sufficient. If the doctor actually detects a nutrient deficit, targeted treatment can be provided.
Consumer Advice Bavaria warns against dietary supplements from the Internet
According to the Consumer Center Bayern, it is also not necessary to take protein powder for muscle growth. In a tight training program, the body needs 1.2 grams of protein, which is already covered by the normal diet. So are meat, dairy products, eggs and legumes to provide the body with protein.
The consumer advocates are particularly critical of dietary supplements from the Internet, because the products may contain illegal and harmful ingredients. This is also confirmed by a market survey conducted by the Verbraucherzentrale NRW on the Internet trade with allegedly natural food supplements from the year 2011. "Almost every third dietary supplement (NEM) of foreign origin, the figure and fitness fans order online, for buyers not recognizable illegal and highly harmful to health Substances, "warns the Bavarian consumer center on its website. (Ag)