Experts The key to chronic pain is often in the head
According to experts, around 23 million people in Germany suffer from chronic pain. Many of them are treated with strong medications. But often alternative pain therapies can help. Among other things, relaxation exercises are recommended, as the main work in the treatment of chronic pain is in the head.
It does not always have to be medication
Chronic pain has long become a widespread disease in Germany. Around 23 million Germans are affected. Before affected persons receive the correct diagnosis and adequate therapy, they often have a long ordeal. Although many patients get strong painkillers, these can sometimes be the trigger for chronic pain. According to numerous experts, chronic pain is often treatable well without painkillers.
Be active and think positive
Being active and thinking positively are two important aspects when it comes to the treatment of chronic pain, according to a message from the "Informationsdienst Wissenschaft" (idw).
Dr. Oliver Kuhnt, Senior Psychologist of the Pain Center of the Enzensberg Clinic in Füssen in the Allgäu, explained in a lecture at the Leibniz Center for Psychological Information and Documentation (ZPID) in Trier how patients can exercise this.
The clinic specializes in treating chronic pain with a variety of therapies. These include psychological individual and group therapy, exercise, creative therapy or a walk with a dog.
The holistic concept aims to "enable the patient, in addition to the general reduction of pain, to actively manage his remaining pain and to assist him in re-integration in his family and career," reads the website of the institution.
Change attitude to pain
"Acute pain is short-lived, and chronic persist for at least six months," Dr. Kuhnt.
Conventional medical therapies that consist of only one type of treatment, such as the administration of pain patches or massages, did not show long-term effects in chronic pain, according to the expert.
According to him, the main work is done in the head. It would be about changing attitudes to pain, but also being active. "Fear is a big problem - fear of pain and therefore of movement. But fear contributes to chronification. "
Improve life satisfaction
Sport, meeting friends, good cooking and enjoying contribute to improving overall life satisfaction. This facilitates the handling of pain.
Patients would have to be aware of this and "take personal responsibility" for themselves. And above all, always stay on the ball and keep going.
Above all, Kuhnt treats back pain. These can often have psychological causes.
According to the psychologist stress, which leads to tension first, a frequent trigger of the complaints.
So how do you deal with stress? A good preventive measure is to avoid it.
"I do not have to drive to Gibraltar by car or cook a five-course dinner for the whole family at Christmas," he said.
Positive thoughts, the abreaction through sports and relaxation exercises are other ways to reduce stress.
Relaxation Exercise 4711
Oliver Kuhnt introduced a relaxation exercise, which he calls 4711 and recommends as a reminder to think of the colognes 4711.
During the exercise you sit down comfortably, breathe in and count to four, exhale and count to seven and the whole eleven times.
"When I sit at a desk and have an unpleasant phone call, I think 4711, do my little breathing exercise and I'm feeling better." Stress is so reduced. (Ad)