Expert Eat more calories with Aqua-Fitness than jogging
Gentle exercises with high stress
Aqua training offers the overweight the opportunity to exercise properly without putting too much strain on the joints and cardiovascular system. The body burns even more calories than other endurance training. The exercises usually take place in chest-high or deep water. "It depends on the type of training on the one hand, but also on the swimming abilities of the participants," says Professor Dr. med. Ingo Froböse of the German Sport University in Cologne. "Anyone who does not feel safe in the deep water should pay attention to choosing a course that takes place in the shallower pelvis."
Water resistance increases training effect
The aqua sport exploits the benefits of water. "Because the resistance of the water is about 14 times higher than the air resistance, the movement is much more difficult, and the entire body is claimed," said Froböse in an interview. For this reason, the exercises can be very stressful and greatly promote endurance. According to the expert, the effort would be worthwhile. In particular, torso and upper body muscles and legs benefit. In addition to endurance, strength, coordination and flexibility are promoted.
Worthwhile and gentle is the Aqua Sport for obese who are just looking for entry into the mobility again. Aqua training not only trains the entire body, it also causes the calories to tumble. Especially for overweight, this sport is suitable because it protects the heart and joints. "The water resistance ensures a high energy consumption, while the movements are gentle on the heart and joints," explains Ute Repschläger from the IFK. "It consumes a lot of energy because it trains against water resistance in all directions." The blood vessels in the water are more strongly supplied with blood because they are then exposed to higher pressure. This will strengthen the cardiovascular system, explains the expert.
Higher calorie consumption than jogging
The body consumes about 400 kilocalories (Kcal) per half-hour in the water as it increases its metabolism so as not to cool. You do not even manage to jog. Because with active running only about 300 calories are consumed despite great effort. The reason is the thermal conductivity in the water, which boosts the calorie consumption. The body consumes about 400 calories in 30 minutes, as he must increase against a cooling at a water temperature of 28 and 31 degrees, his metabolism.
Aqua training can use various "training devices". These include, for example, aqua noodles, swimming boards, buoyancy belts, aquajogging gloves, dumbbells and trampolines. Frequently music is used. This ensures a good mood and motivates the participants. (Sb)