Expert Healthy garlic oils made by yourself Only take fresh toes

Expert Healthy garlic oils made by yourself Only take fresh toes / Health News
Healthy and delicious: use only fresh toes for garlic oil
As varied as our diet has become in the meantime, the supply of edible oils has become so diverse. The various products from the store can often be easily refined, for example with garlic. This gives a particularly healthy oil for the preparation of delicious food.

Simply prepare your own herb oil
According to experts, rapeseed oil is the Germans' most popular edible oil. But also sunflower and olive oil can be found in many households. The latter especially in people who are on Mediterranean diet. Especially olive oil can be spiced up well with some other ingredients. Home-made herbal oils are trendy. Especially easy to prepare is garlic oil.

Tasty edible oils are easy to make yourself. For healthy garlic oil you only need two ingredients: garlic and olive oil. (Image: fotoknips /

Only two ingredients for garlic oil
Garlic oil is ideal for salads, to sauté vegetables or to roast slices of bread. It's quick and easy, you only need two ingredients and a few simple steps.

As it is called in the current issue (7/2017) of the magazine "Food & Drink", it is particularly important to take fresh garlic - it has the best flavor.

It is recommended to use a large garlic bulb for 500 milliliters of oil. The toes are simply peeled and chopped and put in a bottle. Then pour over with good olive oil and seal.

Delicious and healthy
Garlic oil is not only delicious, but also healthy. The tuber is a true all-rounder from naturopathy.

There it is used, among other things, for the treatment of worms, intestinal fungus and dysbiosis (balance disorder) of the intestinal flora.

Garlic helps with colds, against hypertension and strengthens the immune system.

Furthermore, it is now known that it can lower the blood lipid levels. (Ad)