Experiment women much more honest in groups
Experiment: Women are more honest in groups
Honesty is one of the most important traits for most people. But who lies more? Women or men? Economists from the Universities of Regensburg and Hamburg have done an experiment and came to surprising results.
Men or women: who lies more often?
Women are more honest in groups than men: this was the result of an experiment by economists from the Universities of Regensburg and Hamburg. According to a news agency dpa news agency, they had investigated whether men or women are more likely to lie. As the Regensburg professor of economics Andreas Roider in the Tuesday edition of „South German newspaper“ (SZ) explained that in politics or in business decisions are often made in groups. „For women, honesty is more evident in the group than in men, and lies in men.“
Women probably do not want to be considered dishonest
According to the information, 228 students were to roll the dice alone or in pairs and received one euro per eye. There was nothing in the number six. Although there were no significant differences in the individual study, there were significant differences in the teams in which one player rolled the die and then shared the outcome. According to their own information, the all-male teams had an average score of 4.0. On the other hand, the mixed groups of one male and one female reported a score of 3.71 and the women's teams reported an average score of 2.74. Roider explained that the pure women's groups - unlike the men - statistically did not lie. The professor suspects that women are more likely to be discovered and considered dishonest.
Honesty dependent on time of day
But honesty is apparently dependent on several factors, including the time of day. This was shown by a study of two US researchers Maryam Kouchaki of Harvard University and Isaac Smith of the University of Utah a few years ago. For this study, students were asked four tasks for which they each got more money if they cheated on it. It turned out that the subjects had significantly more moral concerns in the morning than in the evening. Thus, in the course of the day, in addition to symptoms of fatigue in terms of concentration and performance, there appears to be a loss of morality. (Ad)