Ex-Justice Senator Kusch founds euthanasia e.V.

Ex-Justice Senator Kusch founds euthanasia e.V. / Health News

Euthanasia: Dr. med. Roger Kusch polarized by offensive approach.

Former Hamburg Senator for Justice Roger Kusch arrested the euthanasia association "Sterbe Hilfe Deutschland e.V." in Oststeinbek, Schleswig-Holstein. founded. He triggers many reactions.

The subject of euthanasia in Germany had for a while been out of the headlines. Now the theme takes over by the founding of the association by the media „Dr. death“ described Kusch and the very negative reactions on the way again.

Euthanasia - the different points of view
Kusch is accused, for example, of the German Medical Association (BÄK) that he makes a death from suicide a business. Kusch denies this. The annual fee in the club is 100 euros, a lifetime membership 1000 euros. There is no information about any further costs in the case of a specific euthanasia.

Church representatives criticize that Kusch makes himself master of life and death. And receive support from hospice organizations in the belief that the end of a human's life should be characterized by human warmth and support rather than aiding and abetting death.

The Union „Die Hilfe Deutschland e.V.“ writes on his website:
„In hopeless prognosis, unbearable complaints or unreasonable disability, the association advocates accompanied suicide. He supports his members in their desire for a self-determined end of life.“ Thus, the suicidal advocates to the point of view that man may decide for himself, when and how he wants to shape his demise.

Further steps
Kusch as chairman of the association stated in a large-scale report with interview in a tabloid that „twenty to thirty people with concrete suicidal intentions“ had approached the club. In addition to the social and ethical discussion, however, legal aspects should first come to the fore. Although Switzerland is the club in terms of euthanasia as a role model, but the local club „Dignitas“ may also be close to being circumcised in his freedoms. In earlier cases, Kusch had to do with the Hamburg police and here were the drug points in the foreground.

Kush now emphasizes that these points would no longer play a role in the current activity. This means that it will certainly be difficult for the Schleswig-Holstein authorities to establish a legal handle against the work of the association. So that one can assume that the topic of euthanasia will certainly occupy the German public for a while yet.

Neutral observers argue that at least more transparency is needed in the work of euthanasia organizations and that a democracy must endure such discussions and views. In naturopathy one deals with the topic still behaving. The tendency to more self-determination is generally positive. However, he has always referred to a move towards more quality of life in the form of a recovery process. The early death of a person is actually diametrically opposed. But should one put oneself above the will of a person who does not want to live partout anymore and refuses any attention and does not let him have his will?
Here it would be desirable, if also by the naturopathy and not only by Christian and orthodox medical institutions positions in the public discussion would be carried. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy, 26.01.2010)