Ex-girlfriend died at joint drug party - doctor receives probation

Ex-girlfriend died at joint drug party - doctor receives probation / Health News
Girlfriend dies after joint drug use: doctor convicted
A doctor whose ex-girlfriend died after consuming drugs and alcohol has been sentenced to a two-year probationary sentence. The two had celebrated the separation, taking Ecstasy. The doctor had not helped enough the woman in mortal danger.

Successful separation celebrated with alcohol and drugs
A physician who has denied his ex-girlfriend in mortal danger the necessary help has been sentenced to a suspended sentence of two years. According to a news agency dpa, the district court Gießen said the 34-year-old on Tuesday of attempted manslaughter by omission guilty. According to the information, he had in June 2015 in Gießen with the 37-year-old the previous separation with alcohol and ecstasy "celebrated". But the woman was in a life-threatening condition because of the drugs and died a little later.

In Hesse, a doctor was sentenced to a probationary sentence of two years. He had taken drugs with his ex-girlfriend, through whom the woman died. The doctor had not helped her enough. (Image: Lionello Rovati / fotolia.com)

Life-threatening condition of the woman allegedly not recognized
As the judges found, the doctor had recognized the danger but had not called an emergency doctor what he should have done. The presiding judge said that the case has many aspects that are "fundamentally incomprehensible". Nobody believes him that he does not want to recognize the life-threatening condition of the woman, it was said. Rather, he talked his behavior beautiful and have great moral guilt on himself.

Health risks from ecstasy
Drug use had apparently caused severe side effects in the woman. According to the information center against poisoning at the University Hospital in Bonn, the alarm symptoms of the body are no longer perceived under the effect of ecstasy: thirst and hunger, dizziness, malaise, fatigue or pain are therefore not aware in time to prevent a life-threatening collapse of the body can. In addition, the body temperature could rise to over 41 degrees due to the extreme fluid loss and the increased degradation products in the metabolism. "Particularly at risk are ecstasy users who suffer from heart disease, asthmatic diseases, epilepsy or other diseases," write the experts. It can lead to liver or kidney failure. "When consumed with alcohol, the effect of the amphetamine derivatives is reduced, the side effects, however, increase sharply." In addition, according to cardiologists there is a high risk of heart damage from partydrogen.

Run naked into the cellar
Although the accused, who worked at a Giessen clinic at that time, looked after the woman in his apartment, but did not call an ambulance. Not even when she felt so bad that he ran naked into the cellar to get some medicine and locked herself out of the apartment. Instead, he called the locksmith and only when the door was open and the woman was dead, the 34-year-old alarmed the emergency call. The court found that the doctor's behavior had approved the death of the woman.

Doctor has to undergo therapy
However, the judges were only from attempted homicide, because it is not certain whether the woman would have survived with the immediate help of an emergency doctor. However, the chairman emphasized that it was not true that she had definitely died. The confession of the doctor evaluated the court in his favor. Because of the drug rush, the chamber also assumed a reduced debt capacity. The physician was also convicted of violating the Narcotics Act. The probationary tests, which the judges issued, include, among other things, a therapy, which must undergo the drug-dependent doctor. Although his doctor has lost his license to practice, there is still a lawsuit in progress. (Ad)