Evolution Studies Women are becoming more involved with other women

Evolution Studies Women are becoming more involved with other women / Health News

Women are increasingly engaging in sexual relations with other women
Human sexuality is an extremely complex topic. A new theory is that heterosexual women are more likely to engage in sexual relations with other women than heterosexual men do with other men. The authors of a new study believe that the cause of this seems to have been triggered by evolution.

Researchers from the London School of Economics found out in an investigation that women seem to be more flexible than men in their love life. Heterosexual women are more likely to make connections with other women. The reason for this seems to be evolution, and is partly related to polygamous marriage. The scientists published the results of their study in the journal Biological Reviews.

Women seem to have a more flexible sexuality compared to men. Scientists claim that women often engage in sexual relations with other women. The reason could be, according to the medical experts, the evolution. Image: loreanto - fotolia

Women used to have sex to resolve conflicts and tensions in polygamous marriages
The evolutionary psychologist dr. Satoshi Kanazawa has set a new theory. This connects a so-called sexual fluidity of women with evolution and polygamous marriages. When men used to have more than one wife, women used sex as a mechanism to resolve conflicts and tensions between women, the expert explained. The women had intimate relationships with each other to reduce the competition and consequently to create increased harmony within the family, adds the physician.

Do women have no direct sexual orientation?
The theory is that women could have "no direct sexual orientation," unlike men, the researcher explains. Instead of being heterosexual or gay, the orientation of the woman largely depends on the partner, their reproductive status and other circumstances, "explains lead author Dr. Kanazawa.

Another explanation for the difference in same-sex attraction between the sexes could be that while men have similar desires as women, "but suppress sexual interaction with other men," the scientist explained. The reason for this could be "a social stigma of male homosexuality". Thus, men are less likely to follow such feelings and avoid same-sex relationships.

49 percent of younger Britons do not consider themselves 100 percent heterosexual
A survey of 2,000 women (who all considered themselves heterosexual) in the UK revealed last week that at least one in four women had a sexual experience with another woman before, say the doctors. About 23 percent of people in the UK describe their sexual orientation as not being one hundred percent heterosexual. Among the younger people, aged 18-24, the figure rises to 49 percent, say the experts (as)