Evolution Men with beer belly are better off in some women

Evolution Men with beer belly are better off in some women / Health News
"Fat guys are having a tough time with women because fat is not what we're looking for", Marius Müller sang Westernhagen. A new study should prove the opposite. The American anthropologist Richard Bribiescas suspects: women unconsciously regard men with bacon as better fathers.

Eating disorders such as bulemia and anorexia explode. Not only women, but also more and more men suffer from these diseases.

Belly fat is not the same as belly fat. A taut beer belly usually contains high levels of visceral fat. (Image: Gina Sanders / fotolia.com)

Psychological Manipulation: Brainwashing
Washboard's stomach and sculpted biceps praise neoliberal propaganda as the ideal of the urban lone wolf, who in the capitalist war is defeating everyone against every rival.

Bacon ensures survival
The evolution of man is contrary to this barbaric ideology. A soft layer of fat and no fat-free muscle in starvation times was the vital reserve, warmed up in ice and snow and protected against infection.

The "Dad Bob"
A student wrote in 2015 of the "Dad Bob", so dad body as a mark of attractive men. Therefore, a male body should be healthy and fit, but therefore also have a soft layer of fat.

New fashion?
In the US, the land of cosmetically-ruined Botox zombies and a high society defined by exorbitantly expensive starvation diets, the "Dad Bob" struck like a bomb. The discussion was controversial, but many were exempted to finally say publicly that they like fat men's bellies.

Evolutionary advantage
Richard Bribiescas wrote a book "How Men Age: What Evolution Reveals About Male Health and Mortality." Thus, middle-aged men enjoy a significant biological benefit when carrying around a few pounds of pancetta: they are less susceptible to infection.

In evolution, a layer of fat ensured survival (Fiedels / fotolia.com)

The testosterone sinks
According to Bribiescas, the testosterone level drops in the thirties. Therefore, it is normal for men from this age to grow a tummy.

Are older fat the better dads?
The drop in testosterone also has another effect, which may have evolutionary reasons: The older fat people are more concerned about their survival and no longer fall blindly into any adventure like the "young savages" in the twenty-somethings.

Anthropologist Bribiescas suggests that middle-aged men develop a hormonal environment that shapes their role as father.

Looking for women fat fathers?
In middle-aged men who develop a layer of fat, the metabolism changes. Bribiesca's hypothesis is simplified: you become cozier, but more responsible.

In evolution, male curves would have been a signal to find a man who cares about the children and does not let them sit.

Slim sperm spreading?
However, a Cambridge University study found that women are long-distance runners. These athletes would have an increased sex drive and a higher sperm density.

Hunters, collectors and runners?
Danny Longman, who contributed to the study, also sees the attractiveness of long-distance runners as evolutionary. In our times as a hunter-gatherer (after all, about 90% of the time of Homo Sapiens on the planet) long-distance running would have been a sign of a good breeding partner.

Fat fathers versus sex marathon
Who is right now? The anthropologist who thinks the thicker men are more attractive and better fathers, or the Cambridge scientists who think marathon runners are two-legged sex for schoolgirls?

One thing does not exclude the other: those who are suitable as reproductive partners are far from good fathers, and both were necessary in the biosocial evolution of man: a potent pollinator and a caring father who survived in times of famine.

Ideal would therefore be a persevering athlete who carries a small Wampe with him. Even a "Dad Bob" does not mean extreme overweight. So Bribiesca's hypothesis does not exempt Couch Potatoes from occasionally going to the gym. (Dr Utz Anhalt)