Eucalyptus oil is effective for colds

Eucalyptus oil is effective for colds / Health News

Study: Eucalyptus oil especially effective against colds


The research group Klostermedizin at the University of Würzburg has pointed out the special effect of the oils of the eucalyptus tree in the treatment of colds. Eucalyptus has long been one of the most important medicinal plants for colds, said Johannes Gottfried Mayer of the research group Klostermedizin.

In phytotherapy (herbal medicine) eucalyptus oil is one of the most effective agents in the treatment of colds, because the oil of the eucalyptus tree not only works „antiseptic“ but also secretomotor or „Expectorant, that is, it promotes the expectoration of cough or Schnupfensekrets, the secretion is not only liquefied, but also transported away faster“, emphasized Johannes Gottfried Mayer. In addition, eucalyptus oil has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-asthmatic effect, Mayer continues.

Eucalyptus oil has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and secretomotor properties
The experts of the research group Klostermedizin have shown numerous positive properties of the eucalyptus oil in the context of their investigations, which are helpful in the treatment of colds. The oil has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, mild anti-spasmodic, secretomotor and to a lesser extent circulation-enhancing effect, explained Johannes Gottfried Mayer. In addition, the eucalyptus oil has the advantage that it „penetrate into the smallest ramifications and paranasal sinuses and bronchi and unfold their effects there“ can, explained Mayer. Therefore, the research group Klostermedizin recommends the use of eucalyptus oil for the treatment of colds of the respiratory tract, whereby both an internal and external application in the form of ointments or inhalation, have a positive effect on colds. The oil of the eucalyptus tree can also be combined with other herbal ingredients to enhance the effect. For example, Johannes Gottfried Mayer recommends the inhalation of combined formulas from one tablespoon of chamomile flowers, one tablespoon of sage leaves and five drops of eucalyptus oil per liter of hot water for colds.

Use eucalyptus oil with extreme caution in children
The internal application can develop a very positive effect on colds, but persons who suffer from inflammatory diseases in the gastrointestinal area, the biliary tract or severe liver disease should not take eucalyptus oil, warned Johannes Gottfried Mayer. In addition, the oil infants and toddlers generally should not be applied to the face, the expert continued. The Federal Chamber of Pharmacists had already warned in September last year that the use of essential oils „repeatedly poisoning children“ occur and parents themselves therefore „before any self-medication“ should inform the pharmacist, doctor or naturopath. Especially in children under the age of three, the active ingredients in the plant can cause considerable problems, as they are often particularly sensitive to, for example, camphor, eucalyptus, thyme and peppermint oils, said the chairman of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists at that time. For example, in infants, symptoms such as shortness of breath, convulsions and even changes in consciousness are more common, requiring medical attention in every case.

However, when used properly, the risks are relatively low and significantly lower than with most conventional cold remedies. Therefore, eucalyptus oil remains one of the most efficient weapons in the fight against winter cold waves. However, according to Johannes Gottfried Mayer, other herbal ingredients such as spruce needle, pine needle, thyme, chamomile, camphor and mint provide a good basis for the natural treatment of colds. (Fp)

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Picture: Gnubier