EU-wide emergency number 112

EU-wide emergency number 112 / Health News

Only one in four knows the EU-wide emergency telephone number 112


In the European Union (EU), a single emergency number 112 was recently installed for medical emergencies and fire brigades. But only one in four Europeans surveyed knows about it. This was the result of a survey by the European Commission published on the occasion of the European Emergency Call Day.

Only one in four in Europe knows that an EU-wide emergency number with the telephone number 112 applies in medical emergencies. The level of awareness has increased only a few percentage points since the introduction to today's 26 percentage points. The EU-wide emergency number 112 is intended to make it easier for travelers and tourists to submit an emergency call. To make the emergency number known, the EU Commission wants to launch numerous campaigns. Many countries also have additional numbers, such as in Germany. In order to inform the police there, those affected choose the 110. Anyone who reverses the numbers in the event of an accident will not be rejected. The police forwards the emergency call to the fire brigade control center.

Emergency call also in German
In many countries it is also possible to make the emergency call in German. In addition to the predominantly German-speaking countries such as Austria or Luxembourg, this is also possible in countries such as Belgium, Italy, Hungary, Holland and Bulgaria. An emergency telephone call in English, however, is possible in all countries of the European Community. In Switzerland, the emergency call can indeed be made in German, but there is not the EU number 112. Instead, seek help for the police 117, for the fire brigade 118 and an ambulance with the 144.

Emergency number 112 EU-wide free and always available
For a call to emergency number 112 no charge is required throughout the EU. In addition, the number can be reached around the clock and also on weekends. In addition to the EU, countries such as Montenegro, Turkey and Croatia have decided to participate in the project. The Ukraine wants to set up the uniform number 112 during the football World Cup at the venues.

While in Germany has long been the 112 as an emergency number for fire and ambulance, the number is still relatively unknown as EU-wide emergency telephone number. In the survey, the awareness level increased from 22 percent at the time (2009) to 26 percent today. To raise awareness of the number, the EU Commission has won numerous companies and initiatives that want to actively promote the EU emergency number from now on. These include, for example, transport companies such as Air Berlin or the General Automobile Association ADAC. (Sb)

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Image: Stihl024