EU Needle Stitch Directive and Biological Agents Ordinance

EU Needle Stitch Directive and Biological Agents Ordinance / Health News

The Biological Agents Ordinance has been updated and contains new requirements that also have consequences for non-medical practitioners


On 15 July 2013, the new Biological Agents Ordinance (BiostoffV) was passed (BGBl. P. 2514) and effective. This took into account EU requirements. The safety-relevant aspects of occupational safety specified in the 2010 EU Pinpointing Directive (avoidance of injuries and infections when handling needles and sharp objects) have been transposed into national law with the new Biofuels. Employers are now required to inform their employees before they are admitted to train their activities and to ensure that needlestick injuries are safely avoided according to a risk and hazard assessment.

What does that mean for our practice??
The BiostoffV now explicitly demands that in our practices sharp and sharp medical devices be replaced by those in which there is little or no risk of needlestick injuries or cuts. Infections and injuries must be avoided as far as technically possible. It is also regulated that used cannulas must not be pushed back into the protective caps. The new BiofOffV has now also a paragraph „basic obligations“, which clarifies the duties of an employer.

Adaptation of the TRBA 250 in progress
In the BG guideline TRBA 250 the content of the BiostoffV has been further elaborated so that every practice owner could easily understand what was required in the regulation. A team under the leadership of BGW prevention experts is currently preparing a new edition of the TRBA 250. Until then, non-medical practitioners who employ employees must seek help with the risk / risk assessment with the involvement of the company doctor. You can find the BiostoffV here. (Pm)

Picture: Sabine Weiße