About 120,000 influenza cases with 216 deaths - flu epidemic reaches its peak

About 120,000 influenza cases with 216 deaths - flu epidemic reaches its peak / Health News

Flu epidemic no longer so bad for ten years

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports in the current flu report of the eighth calendar week a renewed increase in the number of larvae-confirmed flu cases by a further 35,284 new cases as well as a strong activity of acute respiratory diseases (ARE). Thus, the total number of influenza cases has increased to 119,533 since the beginning of this year's flu season. 216 patients died as a result of the flu. Most of the fatalities were over 60 years old. 17 percent of the patients had to be treated in hospitals.

The map of the current activity of respiratory diseases of the eighth calendar week 2018 of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Influenza shines red in all regions of Germany. Red stands for a strongly increased influenza activity. As in previous weeks, influenza B viruses account for the majority of 75 percent, followed by influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 (22 percent) and H3N2 (3 percent) influenza A viruses. Influenza A viruses are considered to be more dangerous and, despite low prevalence, are responsible for 53 percent of deaths below the age of 60 years.

The flu is raging throughout Germany with around 35,000 new infections in the eighth calendar week of 2018. (Image: Daniel Jędzura / fotolia.com)

Conurbations are particularly affected

In particular, in places where many people reside there were explosive eruptions. The RKI reports 53 outbreaks in hospitals, 45 in kindergartens, 29 in schools, 17 in nursing homes, 14 in Rhea facilities, six in care facilities, five in medical treatment facilities and four in residential homes. In addition, 53 outbreaks occurred without further indication of the infection environment.

Some patients were especially hard hit

Some sufferers, according to the RKIs, suffered multiple virus infections. So it came in 14 patients to double infections. In two samples, both influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 and influenza B viruses were detected. In three samples, influenza B and RS viruses were confirmed. Two other patients were even diagnosed with a triple infection, including a sample of A (H1N1) pdm09, H3N2 and B viruses.

The RKI reports 216 deaths

Especially for older people over 60 years influenza is considered dangerous. 83 percent of the 216 deaths so far fall into this age group. During seasonal influenza waves, medical professionals recommend that people over the age of 60 or with underlying illnesses should pay special attention to the symptoms of flu, whether vaccinated or not. Even a vaccine can not completely rule out an infection. This group of people and people with particularly severe disease progression should consider early anti-viral treatment.

Some practices reach their limits

According to the RKI data, medical practices in Germany have had nearly three times as many patients in the last few weeks as in the non-flu season in October and November. This has reached the highest value of the past ten years. In the eighth calendar week alone, the RKI estimates the number of medical practice visitors at 2.5 million people with acute respiratory diseases. The dimensions of this year's flu epidemic can only be assessed by the RKI after the season.

Influenza vaccine offers no guaranteed protection

According to RKI, the efficacy of a flu shot in the elderly is only between 41 and 63 percent. For younger people, the effectiveness would still be around 80 percent. Thus, especially elderly people can not fully rely on protection from the vaccine. However, due to the enormous number of cases many cases can still be prevented by vaccination.

What to do when you are already ill?

The RKI recommends that people who are ill should take care not to infect other people. If possible, keep a distance of two meters and keep away from children, the chronically ill, the pregnant and the elderly. In addition, sufferers should pay close attention to their hygiene. So proper hand washing, do not sneeze or cough and used tempos dispose of immediately. Home remedies for the flu can be used in support of medical advice. In addition, it should be clarified with the doctor, whether it is flu or influenza infection. (Vb)