Eating disorders in women significantly more common

Eating disorders in women significantly more common / Health News

Women are more often affected by eating disorders than men


Eating disorders are much more common in women than in men. Although the number of men with eating disorders has increased significantly in recent years, women are affected about five times more often, according to a recent study by researchers at the University of Leipzig.

Especially young women are more frequently affected by eating disorders, according to study leader Prof. Anja Hilbert from the Integrated Research and Treatment Center (IFB) Obesity Diseases of the University of Leipzig. The disorders of eating behavior include „for example, the Bulimia Nervosa (eating-breaking disorder), the binge eating or binge eating disorder and the Anorexia Nervosa (anorexia)“, so the statement in the current press release of the University of Leipzig. According to the study director, it was also striking that obese women were eleven times more likely and obese men even 20 times more likely to develop a disorder in eating behavior than normal-weight women and men. „This significantly increased incidence of eating disorders in obese people is remarkable“, emphasized Anja Hilbert.

More than 2,500 study participants examined for possible eating disorders
For their representative survey with 2,520 study participants (1,354 women, 1,166 men), Anja Hilbert, Martina de Zwaan and Elmar Brähler from the University of Leipzig used the internationally proven eating disorder questionnaire for the first time „Eating Disorder Examination Questionaire“. This should provide a clear statement on specific symptoms and behaviors of an eating disorder, such as the negative body and self-image, the dissatisfaction with their own appearance, self-induced vomiting, binge eating, abuse of laxatives, excessive sports activities or diets. The mean age of the study participants was 50.5 years, the body mass index (BMI) of the subjects between 14.17 and 55.40. Just over ten percent of respondents were obese, about 37 percent were overweight and about 52 percent had normal weight, according to the scientists on the foundations of their study.

Young women especially often with disturbances of eating behavior
In the analysis of the data obtained, the Leipzig researchers found that significantly more women suffer from eating disorders than men. For example, 5.9 percent of women had disturbed eating habits and only 1.5 percent of men. Since there are more women living in Germany than men, the number of scientists shows that the number of women affected is about five times higher. Compared to previous studies, however, the number of men with signs of eating disorders has increased significantly in recent years, reports Anja Hilbert and colleagues. In principle, women and men have eating disorders in all age groups, but especially at a young age disturbed eating habits are particularly prevalent among women. „It is striking here that disorders in eating behavior affect women and men of all ages, whereby it should be noted that the frequencies decrease with older age“, explained the head of the Department of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology at the University of Leipzig, Professor Elmar Brähler, to the news agency „AFP“. However, in men, the incidence of eating disorder is most common between the ages of 55 and 64 years, while women are most affected up to the age of 24 years.

Relationship between obesity and eating disorders
While the relationship between age and the likelihood of an eating disorder is relatively clear, as in previous studies, no correlation could be found between the incidence of eating disorders and the level of income or education, write Anja Hilbert and colleagues. However, as mentioned above, researchers found that the association between obesity and the development of an eating disorder was particularly conspicuous. It should be concluded from this, „that overweight and obesity develop in response to disturbances in eating habits and are associated with, for example, recurring binge eating, nocturnal eating, chronic overeating or a very negative body picture“, reports study leader Anja Hilbert. Since the eating disorders are usually coupled with increased mental or psychological pressure, the current study results also illustrate that obesity is not only a problem of overeating and lack of exercise, but increasingly on the mental level must be addressed, the expert said. In the therapeutic measures for the treatment of obesity should therefore always be clarified whether the patient suffers from a clinical eating disorder and a complementary psychotherapeutic treatment in addition to diet and exercise therapy is required, the statement of the Leipzig researchers. (Fp)

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Picture: dreimirk30