Best to adjust food to the biorhythm

Not only the choice of food, but also the times of meals pay attention
A well-balanced diet is generally considered to be a good basis for a healthy life. But not only the right choice of food is crucial, but also the timing of food intake play a key role, according to the renowned sports physician Professor Ingo Froböse of the German Sport University Cologne. The intake of meals should therefore be adjusted to the biorhythm. On snacks, it is according to Prof. Froböse better to refrain.
Professor Froböse emphasizes that „Metabolism is the basis of all vital processes in the body“ is and „To positively influence the metabolism Musculature and a balanced diet are key keywords“ are. The metabolic processes, in turn, are determined by the individual biorhythm, according to the sports doctor. This has, for example, decisive influence on the energy supply and the hormone release, but also on the digestion and the feeling of hunger. Adapting the food intake to the internal biological clock prevents the metabolism from getting out of rhythm. Concentration weaknesses and low levels of performance could thus be avoided.
Avoid snacks
If the body is given too much energy through food for a longer period of time, it will form more fat deposits, which are associated with numerous negative health effects. In another context, snacks are, according to Froböse, however, extremely critical to evaluate. The regular intake of food in between does not allow the digestion a break and insulin levels remain high, which ultimately leads to an increased risk of insulin resistance and the risk of diabetes. Between meals, therefore, according to the experts, for about four hours a meal break should be inserted. Eating is therefore only when the body actually calls for new energy. However, care should be taken to ensure adequate energy intake. Because „Low supply, for example through a diet, lowers the metabolic activity in the body“ and it „the economy mode is switched on“, reports Froböse. Thus, the basal metabolism is reduced and the largest energy consumer - the muscles - would be reduced.
The right meal at the right time
As an orientation aid for adjusting the food intake to the biorhythm, Froböse explained that a breakfast with plenty of energy was advised no later than two hours after getting up. A high percentage of carbohydrates and some fat are recommended here so that the body can start the day with enough energy. For example, offer wholemeal bread with cheese for breakfast. For lunch are according to the expert rather vegetables and fruit to be recommended, while in the evening protein-containing food such as omelets or fish are advised. According to Prof. Froböse, the intake of protein during supper is particularly important, as it benefits the night-time repair processes in the organism, which are supported by the amino acids contained in the protein. (Fp)
Picture: Janine Dammertz-Bachiri