Donkey dies after flight to heart attack

Donkey lady dies half a year after flight with a parachute at a heart attack. Animal rights activists are outraged by such promotions with animals.
The well-known donkey-lady of Russia is half a year after she was drawn in a highly controversial parachute flight for advertising purposes in the air, died.
The parachute donkey named Anapka had broken away from the „severe stress situation“, which was triggered by the flight, not recovered and now died of heart failure (heart attack), reported Julia Dobrowolskaja, manager of the stud in which the donkey was last housed.
Animal rights activists criticized parachute flight of the donkey massively
The donkey flight was heavily criticized by animal rights activists from all over the world, and about six months ago it became sadly famous. For promotional purposes, employees of a paragliding shop had inflated the donkey with a speedboat and let it circle for half an hour over a southern Russian beach. Despite numerous complaints from animal welfare organizations and private individuals, those responsible were not punished because of the lax Russian animal welfare laws.
Donkey lady after parachute flight in wellness center supplies
After the parachute donkey had reached international fame by the overriding ordeal, had the British tabloid „The Sun“ The animal then bought and tried to convict to England. However, as the Russian newspaper Moskovsky Komsomoletz reported on Sunday, the move had failed due to quarantine regulations, and the donkey-lady Anapka was housed in a Kremlin-owned luxury stall. In the wellness center for animals near Moscow, the traumatized donkey was provided with massages and organic food. But from the „severe stress situation“ Nevertheless, Anapka never recovered, said Julia Dobrovolskaya. Despite the caring treatment and the good food, Anapka has not eaten properly since her parachute flight and finally stopped feeding completely, said the manager of the luxury stud farm. However, from the beginning critics considered the donkey's accommodation in the luxury stables to be more of a reassurance for the worried people than help for the animal.
Animals often mistreated for commercial use
Again and again, animals are used for commercial purposes and sometimes abused - from circus with predators and dolphin shows about dancing bears to such freaky advertising methods as the donkey-lady on parachute. The consequences for the animals are very different. Many suffer, but not many die, otherwise the source of income would break away for their owners. But sometimes those responsible act so carelessly - as with the donkey Anapka - and the animals are at the bottom of the consequences of their commercial exploitation. Here, the legislature is required by appropriate regulations and sanctions such an animal life-despicable behavior to stop. However, comprehensive animal welfare laws are far from being an international standard, as illustrated by the impunity of those responsible in the case of the Russian donkey. (Fp)
Picture: Joujou