It does not always have to be antibiotics which helps with cystitis

It does not always have to be antibiotics which helps with cystitis / Health News

Not always antibiotics: natural remedies that help with cystitis

Although men also develop cystitis, women are usually affected by the painful illness. In the past, patients were usually treated with antibiotics. But today we know that certain analgesics and simple natural remedies can relieve the symptoms.

Women more often affected than men

Especially now in the cold season, many people suffer from a bladder infection. Most girls and women are affected by inflammation of the urinary tract, which is often accompanied by urinary symptoms and fever. But even men can get sick and then feel just as a constant urgency and pressure problems in the bladder area. In the past, the disease was almost always treated with antibiotics. Today, doctors often recommend trying certain painkillers first. But there is more that helps with cystitis.

In the past, doctors have almost always prescribed antibiotics for cystitis. But today we know that certain painkillers can also help. In addition, the complaints can be alleviated by home remedies. (Image: absolutimages /

Triggered by bacteria

In most cases, cystitis (Cystitis) is triggered by Escherichia coli bacteria (E.coli bacteria) that bite into the urethra and migrate up to the bladder.

The fact that women are more frequently affected by cystitis than men is due to an anatomical difference:

The urethra of women is shorter and thus more appropriate to allow invading bacteria to make their way up into the bladder.

Prevention of cystitis

To protect yourself from urinary tract infections, it is important to know how it can actually happen. Already in grandmother's time, it was warned against settling on cold soils, because they can catch the bladder.

And that's the way it is, because the risk of infection increases due to cold in the area of ​​the pelvis. This is also a reason why wet bathing suits and swimming trunks should be changed immediately after swimming.

In addition, painful bladder infections through sex are not uncommon. According to health experts, sexual intercourse more often increases the risk of inflammation, as it irritates the mucous membranes and subsequently becomes more susceptible to infection ("honeymoon cystitis" or "honeymoon cystitis")..

Therefore, it is advised to go to the toilet "after" to rinse the pathogen naturally. Also important is a sensible intimate care.

Furthermore, to prevent cystitis, it is generally advised to drink plenty to flush bacteria out of the urinary tract.

Synthetic underwear and panty liners promote the proliferation of germs as well as mucous membrane-irritating soaps and intimate sprays. Also avoid "wiping" after defecation towards the vagina and suppressing urinary urgency.

Every trip to the toilet is agony

But sometimes even the best protective measures do not help.

Symptoms that indicate illness include pelvic pain, urination burning, frequent urination, or foul-smelling urine. Every toileting becomes torture.

Some women also have fever or blood in their urine. According to health experts, this is not bad at first, if it stops as part of the cure of the disease.

Illness often heals without medication

According to medical experts, most of the bladder infections heal without medication. Basically, it should be drunk a lot to flush the bacteria from the bladder.

It may be two to two and a half liters a day. In addition, you can relieve the symptoms with a hot water bottle on the stomach.

In extreme pain, flank pain or persistent blood in the urine but a doctor should definitely decide whether a drug treatment is useful.

But even if medicines are used, it does not always have to be antibiotics. While the latter effectively kill bacteria in the urine, there are more and more bacterial strains resistant to it.

According to health experts, it may be useful to treat a bladder infection with the drug ibuprofen. Such drugs have proven to be as effective in a study as antibiotics.

Natural home remedies

In case of a mild course of the disease are also numerous home remedies for cystitis available, with which you can treat yourself.

For example, stinging nettle tea, bearberry leaves or juniper can have a healing effect. According to experts, Cranberry also has a special position in natural remedies.

Because both preventively, as well as acute after cystitis tablets or capsules with the extract of these North American relatives of our cranberry would help those affected.

The preparations, which also contain pumpkin seed extract and vitamin C, are the most suitable as they enhance the effect of the cranberry and their active ingredients encase the bacteria like a mantle so that they can not stick in the mucous membrane of the bladder and kidney and be flushed out with the urine. (Ad)