First milk from cows prevents diarrhea

First milk from cows prevents diarrhea / Health News

First milk from cows reduces the risk of diarrhea in top athletes


The so-called first milk of cows can reduce the risk of suffering from diarrhea during high exertion. This resulted in an English study of the „School of Medicine and Dentistry“ in London.

The first milk (colostrum) is produced in the first days before and a few days after the calving of cows. The milk usually contains a slightly sticky to yellowish color. This special milk is particularly popular with top athletes, because milk is said to contain a high proportion of valuable and protective substances. British researchers have now explored the question of what positive qualities first milk exerts under the exertion of top athletes.

A total of 12 athletes participated in one study. The scientists instructed the subjects to spend 20 minutes on sports units. Here, the body temperature of all participants increased on average by two degrees Celsius. In addition, the researchers took a urine sample from all participants. In the lab, the scientists found that the permeability of the intestinal mucosa has increased by 2.5 times. This increased the permeability of pathogens into the bloodstream, increasing the risk of diarrhea. Because the human organism responds to harmful germs with the natural process of self-purification diarrhea.

After the first experimental setup, the researchers undertook a second round. Now the participants were divided into two equal groups. The first group was given first milk, the other participants served as a comparison group and received a drug-free placebo. Again, all study participants were invited to actively do sports for 20 minutes. During exercise, the average body temperature rose again by two degrees. In the Erstmilch-drinkers, however, the permeability of the intestinal mucosa decreased by 80 percent compared to the first experimental setup.

The scientists said that when body heat rises by two degrees, many intestinal cells die off. The administration of first milk, however, reduced cell death by two-thirds, as the study director and physician Ray Playford in “American Journal of Physiology“ summing up. Colostrum could thus prevent unwanted diarrheal diseases in elite sports.

In this country, the purchase of Erstmilch was not possible for a long time. Since a corresponding change in the law, consumers can also purchase first milk in the shops. The milk is usually sold in powder form or as a capsule. (Sb)

Picture: Péronne vd Ham