First recognize symptoms of breast cancer using yellow lemons earlier

First recognize symptoms of breast cancer using yellow lemons earlier / Health News
Fight against breast cancer: Symptoms represented by lemons
In Germany alone, around 70,000 women suffer from breast cancer each year. Breast cancer is the most common tumor in women. In general, the healing chances increase the sooner the tumor is discovered. Early diagnosis can be helped by a picture showing 12 breast cancer symptoms with lemons.

Better chances of healing with early diagnosis
Breast cancer, also called breast cancer, is the most common malignant tumor in women. In Germany alone, around 70,000 new cases are counted each year. Normally, the sooner the tumor is discovered and the more accurately it can be diagnosed, the chances of recovery increase. Therefore, it is so important for women to know their own breast well and regularly examine themselves and palpation. A lemon presentation helps women better recognize features or symptoms that suggest breast cancer.

The organization Worldwide Breast Cancer uses lemons to explain 12 different symptoms that may indicate breast cancer. The illustration is designed to help women self-examining their breasts. (Image: Angela Rohde /

Self-examination of the breasts
Although women between the ages of 50 and 69 can take part in the breast cancer prevention program free of charge, in some places only about every second goes to mammography screening. Some women are afraid of the examination - it is not completely painless.

Although it is known that the investigation provides no guarantee, according to experts could be discovered within a year but over 17,000 carcinomas by mammography screenings.

Regardless of the medical screening, it is also important for every woman to examine herself again and again. One organization has come up with something very special: it represents 12 symptoms of breast cancer based on lemons.

What women need to look out for
"Know your Lemons" writes the organization "Worldwide Breast Cancer" on their website. "They can teach you a lot about breast cancer."

An illustration with the citrus fruits clearly shows which changes of the breast can occur in case of illness. Because often women are not aware of what to look for in the self-examination of their breasts.

The campaign, which was launched a few months ago, received increased attention after the photo of the lemons was shared by a breast cancer patient on Facebook.

Since it would be forbidden on this social network to publish photos of naked breasts, it makes sense to present the possible evidence of breast cancer by means of fruits.

12 symptoms of breast cancer
The image with the 12 lemons in an egg carton clearly shows what breast cancer can look like or feel like.

The following changes are shown on the graph: swollen breasts, deepening, skin lesions, redness or heat, secretion of fluid, notches in the skin, bumps in the chest, protruding veins, indented nipples, altered appearance or size of the breast, orange peel and one from the outside visible node.

Not all changes are automatically cancer signs
Although it is generally advisable to have the points mentioned medically clarified, but in principle applies that changes, among other things, may be a sign of hormonal changes or an infection and does not automatically have to be a sign of cancer.

"Worrying, especially of young women, often contributes to benign breast changes. Cysts or swelling are relatively common before menopause, "writes the" Krebsinformationsdienst "of the German Cancer Information Center (DKFZ)..

"Except for a few exceptions, these changes do not represent a significant increase in cancer risk. If you notice for the first time that a breast feels different than usual, you should talk to a doctor about it for safety, "it continues. (Ad)