First oral hygiene Even milk teeth need thorough care
The assumption that the care of the deciduous teeth is not so important is wrong. Neglecting oral hygiene may result in damage to subsequent permanent teeth.
Education about oral hygiene
According to health experts, tooth decay continues to increase in infants. One reason is that due to lack of dental visits hardly education on nutrition and oral hygiene could take place. There is obviously a lot of catching up to do here. It has recently been reported that about two-thirds of children do not go to the dentist. But a conscientious oral hygiene can not start soon enough. Milk teeth already need a lot of care.
Even the first baby tooth needs careful care
As the Landeszahnärztekammer Brandenburg writes in a press release, the assumption that the care of the deciduous teeth is not so important, because they fall out anyway, wrong. In the report on the "Day of Dental Health", the experts report: "Caries on the deciduous teeth leads to damage to the subsequent permanent teeth."
According to the medical experts, premature loss of deciduous teeth risks breaking the permanent tooth in the wrong place. This can result in extensive orthodontic treatments. Therefore: "A clean tooth rarely gets ill and even the first baby tooth needs to be cleaned carefully." (Ad)