Aggravated potato cultivation due to climate change

Aggravated potato cultivation due to climate change / Health News


In the course of climate change, the cultivation conditions for potatoes in northern Germany will worsen significantly in the opinion of agricultural experts. Above all, the dryness during the summer months could affect the yield of potato farmers sustainable, said the graduate geographer Monika von Haaren of the Chamber of Agriculture Lower Saxony told the news agency „dpa“.

For centuries, the potato has been one of the most popular staple foods of the Germans. The sandy soils of northern Germany are particularly good for cultivation, but they can save only a little water. Therefore, the increasingly drier summer months due to climate change are a problem that should not be underestimated for North German potato cultivation.

Irrigation needs to be optimized
The expert from the Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture explains that the northern German potato farmers have to adjust to hotter, drier summers and thus difficult cultivation conditions due to climate change. „Then, when the plants need it, there will be less precipitation“, so the geographer opposite the „dpa.“. According to Haar, farmers are therefore forced to optimize the irrigation of their fields. The high level of investment required for this should, in their view, also be supported by politicians.

Climate change favors the spread of pests
However, changing weather conditions not only have a direct impact on growing conditions, but can also be indirectly detrimental by favoring the spread of pests in the northern German region. All in all, potato growers are called upon to adapt as quickly as possible to the changed conditions and, for example, to secure an adequate yield through the use of resistant potato plants. (Fp)

Image: Dieter Schütz