Diet Green broccoli is much healthier than previously thought

Diet Green broccoli is much healthier than previously thought / Health News
Broccoli can even protect against heart disease and some cancers
It has long been known that broccoli is great for our health. Now, researchers have found that broccoli, through its so-called phenolic compounds, helps reduce inflammation, the risk of coronary heart disease, and even our cancer risk. The experts found genes in broccoli that control the accumulation of phenolic compounds in the vegetables.

Researchers at the University of Illinois have now found in an investigation that broccoli can effectively protect us from a lot of disease. The vegetables have a high content of so-called flavonoids. Normally, our bodies can not produce these themselves. The flavonoids have many positive properties, for example, they protect against cancer and coronary heart disease. The doctors published their findings in the journal "PLOS ONE".

Broccoli tastes good and is healthy. Researchers now discovered genes in broccoli that control the accumulation of phenolic compounds in the vegetables. Now, experts are trying to develop new varieties that bring even more health benefits. (Image: Brent Hofacker /

What is broccoli actually for a vegetable?
Broccoli is a so-called cruciferous vegetable. The plant is closely related to the cauliflower and is served by many Germans as a side dish. Broccoli is sometimes referred to as crumbs, asparagus, winter flowers or sprouts. The plant is native to Asia, the head is usually from deep green to blue-green color. Rarer are violet, yellow and white varieties of vegetables. The main growing areas in Europe are predominantly Mediterranean countries.

Healthy effect remains even when the broccoli is cooked
Do you often eat broccoli? If not, you may want to think about whether you will not consume more broccoli in the future. The vegetables are said to have all sorts of positive effects on our health. For example, it aims to help with asthma and type 2 diabetes, reduce inflammation in the body and even reduce the likelihood of cancer and coronary heart disease, the authors explain. Responsible for this are so-called flavonoids, which are distributed by our bloodstream throughout the body. These usually need to be ingested through food because our bodies can not produce them ourselves, say the scientists. For this reason, we should all consume broccoli or other cruciferous vegetables more frequently. The healthy effect of the vegetables is retained even when it is cooked.

Results of the study will influence the future breeding of broccoli
Researchers at the University of Illinois have now discovered genes that control the accumulation of phenolic compounds in broccoli. This discovery is particularly important for the future breeding of broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage. If cabbage contained large doses of phenolic compounds, this would have added value for our health, say the authors. But there have already been studies showing that broccoli can strengthen our immune system.

People have a lower risk of degenerative diseases through broccoli consumption
Phenolic compounds have good antioxidant activity. This activity influences biochemical pathways, which are associated, for example, with inflammation in newborns, explain the physicians. People need such inflammation because they are a reaction to illness or damage in our body. However, these inflammations are also associated with the initiation of a number of degenerative diseases, the experts warn. When people eat a lot of broccoli, they have a lower risk of getting them, explains lead author Jack Juvik of the University of Illinois.

New breed could have more health benefits and be more durable
It will be a while before we develop ways to increase the levels of phenolic compounds in breeding programs. This study is a step in that direction, but not yet the final answer, says lead author Juvik. We plan to use the identified genes to start a new breeding program. This is intended to strengthen the health benefits of vegetables and even improve shelf life. However, the yield, the appearance and the taste should be preserved, adds the researcher. (As)