Nutrition Strawberries and lettuce also grow on the wall

The scientists are now testing the suitability of four different systems for a period of two years, which are already being used successfully in the greening of shrubs and ornamental plants. The plants are supplied via a substrate or a nutrient solution.
On a trial area of 6 square meters for each system, the scientists have brought a total of 392 salad and 196 strawberry plants to the wall. In addition, bush beans were sown 196 times. These crops have similar fertilization and irrigation requirements. The facade is sheltered from the wind and has a south-west orientation to provide ideal sun exposure. The plants are - in addition to the natural irrigation by rain - continuously supplied via a circulating circuit with water and nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. In the further course of the experiment, the scientists regularly check the vitality and yield of the plants.
At the end of July, the lettuce harvest arrives, while the bush beans are ripe at the end of August. In addition, the question arises whether the strawberries can hibernate well on the wall. The evaluation should show which system is most likely to be accepted by the cultures. Also, the effort such as installation, maintenance and practicality flows into the overall assessment. From October, a new planting is planned so that the wall will come alive again in the spring of 2018. Heike Kreutz, bzfe