Diet citizen survey started

Diet citizen survey started / Health News


The author and nutrition expert Uwe Knop has launched a citizen survey on nutrition. On the Echte website, citizens from Germany, Austria and Switzerland are to answer questions that aim to ascertain whether people in industrialized countries still have a healthy feeling of hunger.

Knop, the author of the book, published by Vito von Eichborns BoD „Hunger and Lust - The first book on culinary body intelligence“, Considers that people in the diet on their feelings „the real, physical-biological“ Should hear hunger. In his book, he questioned the 500 nutrition studies over a three-year period. In the end it turned out that scientifically proven facts for nutritional guidelines and dietary promises are nonexistent.

In the past, nutrition experts criticized Uwe Knop and his theses about the no longer mind-based diet. Knop points out in his book that, for example „Professor Andreas Pfeiffer of the Berlin Charité believes that man can no longer really decide what his body needs.“

Among other things, Knop has launched the current survey to clarify the urgent question: „Why do we eat??“. He considers the assumption, which, for example, the German Nutrition Society (DGE), that people in the industrialized countries no longer feel their real hunger due to the large food supply, for outlandish. Because this is one of the main arguments of many nutrition experts, why they think they have to continue to make recommendations or instructions regarding nutrition.

Knop points out that there are currently no reliable data supporting these arguments. Generally, in many areas of life, more emphasis is placed on personal responsibility and maturity. Knop, who was awarded the BoD Authors Award for his book in 2010, and his Culinary Body Intelligence could take the same path in nutritional science as Carl Rogers (1902-1987) used to do in the 1930s „Client-centered conversation“in psychotherapy. At first hostile, even today, for example, in pastoral care or in business consulting, the theses of Rogers are indispensable. In addition to the approaches of Knop, the fascial distortion model in the manual therapeutic field is to be regarded as a kind of related one that uses the subjective statements of the patient and the body language for the specific treatment. It is to be hoped that many people will participate in the three-country survey and provide answers and new insights „real organic hunger“ deliver. (Tf)

Further information and the survey at:

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