Diet for Back Pain These foods stabilize the back

Diet for Back Pain These foods stabilize the back / Health News
These foods promote back health
Nearly 80 percent of all Germans regularly suffer from back pain. Especially lack of exercise, muscle tension and disc wear due to high or one-sided loads are partly responsible for these complaints. Frequently, regular sports and conservative methods such as physiotherapy and massages help prevent problems. But also by conscious food with sufficient nutrients can already be effectively prevented.

"Many people underestimate the impact of a balanced diet on back health. A heavy intake of dairy products, drinks or vegetables provides stability to the skeleton, "says Drs. Reinhard Schneiderhan, orthopedist from Munich and president of the German Spine League.

Water - source of life
Water plays a versatile role in our spine. For example, vertebral bodies consist of a quarter of fluid: inside, they are spongy, again robust to the outside. In addition, the organism needs water to provide the intervertebral discs with nutrients - this does not happen through the blood vessels but through diffusion. "With each load, the intervertebral discs release fluid from the resulting pressure and re-absorb enriched water when relieved of biochemicals. For a stable but elastic spine, it is therefore recommended to drink around one and a half to two liters per day, "Dr. Schneiderhan. Mineral water, diluted vegetable or fruit juices and unsweetened herbal teas are particularly suitable for this purpose. Lemon or orange slices and fresh mint are a great way to give piping or mineral water a stimulating taste.

Certain foods can help prevent and even relieve back pain. Image: istetiana - fotolia

Animal products as calcium suppliers
Calcium is considered to be the most important nutrient for bone formation and adequate intake prevents osteoporosis. Above all, animal products such as milk, natural yoghurt and hard cheese contain a large amount of the mineral. Cheese also contains a lot of phosphorus, which together with calcium helps to build up bones. Dr. Schneiderhan knows: "Both substances should be in a balanced ratio in the body. Calcium and phosphorus are important partners, they form the bone cement, as long as the ratio of the minerals is correct.

If the body absorbs too much phosphorus, the natural fine tuning is lost. Often there is a surplus, for example due to unhealthy fast food or soft drink diets. In order to restore balance, the organism dissolves calcium from the bone, which then leads to problems. "So a man needs about one and a half grams of calcium per day and phosphorus, a woman about one gram. For example, this requirement can be met with two slices of cheese and two glasses of milk. Furthermore, milk, cheese or yoghurt contain the important vitamin K, which prevents the breakdown of bone mass.

Strong vegetables for strong bones
Not only in milk, but also in vegetables contains calcium, for example in kale, rocket or spinach. Furthermore, boron and magnesium are found in green vegetables. This provides within the body, especially for the necessary stability of the skeleton. Boron aids in the incorporation of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus into the bones. Good suppliers of boron and magnesium are spinach, broccoli and lettuce.

"Consuming vegetables like lamb's lettuce or spinach adds important B vitamins to the body, which in turn boost our skeletons. It is advisable to put at least three portions of vegetables on the daily diet, "emphasizes Dr. med. Schneiderhan. In addition, vitamin K and zinc ensure healthy bones. The latter is contained in brown rice, whole grains and eggs, vitamin K is in green vegetables and lettuce. (Pm)