Renewed merger of DAK and BKK Health planned
Merger: DAK and BKK health are negotiating again
According to media reports, Deutsche Angestellten Krankenkasse (DAK) and BKK Gesundheit have entered into new negotiations for a possible merger. The two statutory health insurances had originally planned a merger as early as October last year, not least in order to get a grip on the existing financial difficulties. This failed, however, at the last moment, as the BKK health initially wanted to preserve their independence.
The merger of the DAK and BKK Health could create one of the largest German health insurance companies. The ruptured in the past year merger negotiations should be resumed, reports the „image“-Newspaper. Especially for BKK Health, such a merger could bring significant benefits in the face of growing financial problems. Intensive advice is currently being provided, according to a BKK health employee „image“.
Merger of the health insurance last year failed
Already last year, BKK Health and DAK had endeavored to merge, not least because of growing financial difficulties. But then the talks failed surprisingly after „internal committees“ advised the Board of Directors to maintain the independence of BKK Gesundheit for the time being, according to BKK Gesundheit's statement after the negotiations had broken down. For industry experts, the rejection was rather unexpected, since the BKK health had already shrunk from about 1.5 million members in 2009 to about 880,000 members. Accordingly, the financial difficulties increased significantly, as the administrative apparatus was designed for a much larger number of members and could not be reduced accordingly quickly. The additional contributions levied since the beginning of 2010 resulted in significant membership losses and further financial problems for BKK Gesundheit. Therefore, a merger with the DAK seemed a very good option. Even the name after a merger of BKK Health and DAK was already established. „DAK health“ should be the merged health insurance subsequently. But in July, the talks failed because of the above reasons and the negotiations were left for the time being.
Mergers only way to the rescue of stricken health insurance companies
Now, however, the DAK and BKK Health have resumed the merger negotiations, according to media reports. The financially ailing health insurance companies are currently conducting intensive discussions about a possible merger, reports the „image“. The merger of DAK and BKK Gesundheit would create one of the largest health insurance companies in Germany with around seven million members. Thus, the wave of mergers continues in the field of statutory health insurance, at the end of which, according to the experts, a maximum of 50 of the existing 150 health insurance funds will remain. All smaller health insurances are acted as possible fusion partners, whereby also the BKK health must be counted to these smaller health insurance. In May of this year, the association of statutory health insurance funds had submitted an analysis, according to which 22 health insurance companies are threatened with bankruptcy. Around 28 million insured could be affected if these health insurance funds would actually close, said the GKV-Spitzenverband at the presentation of the investigation. With such a wave of bankruptcies affecting the entire health care system, statutory health insurances are also seeking possible solutions, with mergers to rescue troubled funds a relatively obvious option. (Fp)
Also read:
DAK: Additional contributions are to blame for the financial problem
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Is the health insurance DAK broke?
Picture credits: Claudia Hautumm