Relief for 19 million members of the cash register

Relief for 19 million members of the cash register / Health News

Relief for almost 19 million members of the board


At the turn of the year, the general contribution rate for statutory health insurance (SHI) will be reduced from the current level of 15.5 to 14.6 percent. The funds, however, then also have the opportunity to make an additional contribution. According to a newspaper report, the reform will bring financial relief to nearly 19 million policyholders.

Relief for almost 19 million members
The general contribution rate for statutory health insurance (SHI) in Germany will be reduced from the current level of 15.5% to 14.6% as of 1 January 2015. Due to the GKV financial reform, however, the individual funds have the opportunity to levy an additional contribution, the amount of which they decide themselves. As from a report of the „image“-Tuesday's news release will bring relief to 18.97 million contributors. This is shown by an analysis by the Institute for Microdata Analysis, from which the paper cites.

Additional burden for just under one million insured
As reported, 68 funds have set the new additional contribution at 0.8 percent or lower. Since at the same time the old special contribution of 0.9 per cent is omitted, this will reduce the burden for the members of the cash register. „image“ According to the report, even more than 25.4 million insured persons will be relieved of the contribution if one includes the family members who are insured free of charge. According to the report, however, eight funds set the additional contribution above 0.9 percent. As a result, 704,000 members (998,000 insured) will be charged more. According to the current status, there is no change for the members of 54 funds.

Increasing contributions are expected
But even if it comes in the coming year for many members of the box to light savings: In the longer term is expected by experts with an increase in the cost of the insured. Barmer GEK Krankenkasse expects increasing amounts, as recently reported. Accordingly, the chairman of the health insurance, Christoph Straub said that the contributions for the coming year were very cautious. For 2016, the chief executive expects an average statutory health insurance contribution rate of over 16 percent, and in 2017 further increases are to be expected. (Ad)

Picture: Tim Reckmann